The “Times of Growth” art installation
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) has erected this temporary art installation to give something back to the neighbourhood and passers-by while its head office here at Frederiksplein is being renovated. The artwork is intended as a place for people to meet each other, to reflect, or just of course to enjoy.

It is called Times of Growth. The term “growth” relates to economics, but also to people, sustainability and technology. The art installation raises the question of what "growth" means for our society. And what limits there are to growth. The illustrations on the art installation change every six months.
You can now admire the second edition of Times of Growth. The illustrations from the first edition have "grown". In the second edition we see how we use our discoveries to our advantage. The left half of the installation explores energy generation, from pumpjacks to windmills. The right-hand side shows how we use that to grow. Value and commerce play an important role here. And therefore the value that we assign to something. What stories do you see in the artwork?
Take a journey through Times of Growth:
This is a carousel with one large image and a track of thumbnails below. Select any of the image buttons to change the main image above.

The second edition of Times of Growth. The illustrations from the first edition have "grown".

Pumpjacks and curlews both extract energy from the ground.

Different ways of generating energy.

A tulip bulb once had the same value.. a canal house in Amsterdam.

Coins roll from the tulip to the house, the Dutch East India Company and the piggy bank.
The designers
The installation was designed by DNB in collaboration with a collective of graduates from the HKU School of the Arts: Femke Beers (social designer), Manon Poliste (urban space designer) and Suzan Hijink (illustrator).
About the renovation of DNB's headquarters
The renovation of our headquarters is currently in full swing. Having reached the end of its useful life, our building was in need of renovation. It will soon be ready for the future, sustainable and open to all. Everyone will be welcome to view our collections of art, money and coins. Or to attend a seminar, lecture or debate. Or to quietly read a brochure in the public sculpture garden or have a coffee on the waterfront.
Want to know more about the renovation? Read more