20-21 April 2017 - Avoiding and Resolving Banking Crises

Location: De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Link for registration: https://www.dnb-events.nl/en-us/EBO


THURSDAY, April 20, 2017
8.30-9.00: Registration
9.00 - 9.15: Welcome by Mr. Marc Roovers, De Nederlandsche Bank
9.15-10.05: “The importance of deposit insurance credibility”
Presenter: Diana Bonfim, Banco de Portugal
Discussant: Artashes Karapetyan, BI Oslo
10.05-10.55: “Banking Crises, Bail-ins, and Depositor Confidence: Lessons from Cyprus”
Presenter: Helmut Stix, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Discussant: Enrico Sette, Banca d’Italia
10.55-11.25: Coffee Break
11.25-12.15: “Optimal Bank Resolution”
Presenter: Ansgar Walther, University of Warwick
Discussant: Yulian Mitkov, Rutgers University
12.15-13.45: LUNCH
13.45-14.45 Keynote speech Javier Suarez (CEMFI)

14.45-15.35: “Bank Exposures and Sovereign Stress Transmission”
Presenter: Saverio Simonelli, University of Naples Frederico II
Discussant: Diana Bonfim, Banco do Portugal
15.35-16.00: Coffee Break  

16.00-16.50: “Sharing the Pain? Credit Supply, Lending Relationship Dynamics and the Real Effects of Bank Bail-ins”
Presenter: Andre Silva, Cass Business School
Discussant: Dianna Pierret, HEC Lausanne
16.50-17.40: “Bank Capital (Requirements) and Credit Supply: evidence from Pillar 2 decisions”
Presenter: Olivier De Jonghe, Tilburg University
Discussant: Matthias Efing, HEC Paris
19.00-… : Dinner at Restaurant “In de Waag” (only by invitation)

 FRIDAY, April 21, 2017
9.00-9.50: “Government Guarantees, Transparency, and Bank Risk-taking”
Presenter: Giovanni Dell’Ariccia, IMF
Discussant: Agnese Leonello, European Central Bank
9.50-10.40: “Politics, Banks, and Sovereign Debt: Unholy Trinity or Divine Coincidence”
Presenter: Michael Koetter, Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)
Discussant: Filippo de Marco, Bocconi
 10.40-11.00: Coffee Break
11.00-12.00: Keynote speech Stijn Claessens (BIS)
12.00-12.50: “On Deposit Stability in Failing Banks”
Presenter: Christopher Martin, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Discussant: Günseli Tumer Alkan, VU Amsterdam
 12.50 -14.05: Lunch
14.05-14.55: “Bailouts, bail-ins and Banking Crises”
Presenter: Todd Keister, Rutgers University
Discussant: Fabio Castiglionesi, Tilburg University
14.55-15.45: “The Real Effects of Bank Distress: Evidence from Bank Bailouts in Germany”
Presenter: Hans Degryse, KU Leuven and CEPR
Discussant: Martien Lamers, University of Groningen