Research Seminars 2016
research seminars 2016
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Title and Speaker | Date |
13-dec-16 | |
Patrick Bolton, Columbia Business School (POSTPONED) | |
Competitiveness and Export Performance of CEE Countries | 6-dec-16 |
Beata Bierut, National Bank of Poland | |
Bank business models at zero interest rates | 29-nov-16 |
Julia Schaumburg, VU Amsterdam | |
Low inflation and monetary policy in the euro area | 24-nov-16 |
Stefano Neri, Bank of Italy | |
CoCo Bond Issuance and Bank Funding Costs | 16-nov-16 |
Anastasia Kartasheva, BIS | |
Collateral, Rehypothecation, and Efficiency | 15-nov-16 |
Charles Kahn, University of Illinois | |
Loan Officer Incentives, Internal Rating Models and Default Rates | 8-nov-16 |
Manju Puri, Duke University | |
ESBies: Safety in the Tranches | 1-nov-16 |
Marco Pagano, University of Napels | |
Whatever it Takes: The Real Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy | 13 October 2016 |
Viral Acharya, NYU Stern Business School | |
Forecasting and Forecast Narratives: The Bank of England Quarterly Inflation Reports | 4 October 2016 |
James Reade, University of Reading | |
Modelling macro feedback by connecting the stress test model and the macro model used by Danmarks Nationalbank | 27-sep-16 |
Ib Hansen, Danmarks Nationalbank | |
Supply- and Demand-Side Factors in Global Bank Credit | 20-sep-16 |
Patrick McGuire, BIS | |
Consumption and Macroeconomics | 13-sep-16 |
John Muellbauer, University of Oxford | |
Bank Resolution and the Structure of Global Banks | 8-sep-16 |
Martin Oehmke, Columbia Business School | |
The Effects of Risk Framing, Balanced Information and a Regulatory Seal of Approval on Investor Perception and Behavior | 6-sep-16 |
Ruben Cox, Erasmus School of Economics | |
The Local Average Treatment Effect of Quasi-Random Monetary Experiments | 30-aug-16 |
Oscar Jorda, University of California | |
Can Property Taxes Reduce House Price Volatility? Evidence from U.S. Regions | 2-aug-16 |
Tigran Poghosyan, IMF | |
Do Markets React to Dots or Guidance? | 14 July 2016 |
William Nelson, Federal Reserve System | |
On the Value of Virtual Currencies | 5 July 2016 |
Maarten van Oordt, Bank of Canada | |
Do Firms Mitigate or Magnify Capital Misallocation? Evidence from Plant-Level Data | 21 June 2016 |
Matthias Kehrig, University of Texas at Austin | |
Portfolio Compression in OTC Derivatives Markets | 14 June 2016 |
Tarik Roukny, Free University of Brussel | |
Financial Repression in the European Sovereign Debt Crisis | 7 June 2016 |
Bo Becker, Stockholm School of Economics | |
Matching Capital and Labor | 24 May 2016 |
Jules van Binsbergen, University of Pennsylvania | |
Do National Borders Slow Down the Diffusion of New Technological Fields? The Case of Big Data in Europe | 17 May 2016 |
Bas Straathof, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis | |
Interacting Prudential and Monetary Policies in an Agent-based Model | 10 May 2016 |
Joeri Schasfoort and Dirk Bezemer, University of Groningen | |
Benefits and Costs of Bank Capital | 26-apr-16 |
Lev Ratnovski, IMF | |
The Source of Monetary Instability | 21-apr-16 |
Robert Aliber, Chicago Universtity | |
The Welfare Effects of Bank Liquidity and Capital Requirements | 19-apr-16 |
Skander van den Heuvel, Federal Reserve Board | |
Indeterminacy and Learning: An Analysis of Monetary Policy in the Great Inflation | 14-apr-16 |
Thomas Lubik, Federal Reserve Bank,Richmond | |
Asymmetries in labor market fluctuations | 5-apr-16 |
Francesco Zanetti, University of Oxford | |
Sovereign debt exposure and the bank lending channel: impact on credit supply and the real economy | 29 March 2016 |
Margherita Bottero, Bank of Italy | |
Optimism Propagation | 22 March 2016 |
Florian Peters, University of Amsterdam | |
Sticker Shocks: Using VAT Changes to Estimate Upper-Level Elasticities of Substitution | 15 March 2016 |
Bart Hobijn, Carey School of Business | |
Mortgages and Credit Cycle Divergence in Eurozone Economics | 8 March 2016 |
Anna Samarina, University of Groningen | |
An Estimated DGSE Model for the Netherlands with Unemployment | 3 March 2016 |
Adam Elbourne, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis | |
Does a Larger Menu Increase Appetite? Collateral Eligibility and Bank Risk-Taking | 1 March 2016 |
Sjoerd van Bekkum, Erasmus School of Economics | |
Payment Delays and Contagion | 9 February 2016 |
Dilyara Salakhova, Bank of France | |
Mobile Money, Trade Credit and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence | 26 January 2016 |
Burak Uras, Tilburg University | |
Loan Sales and Bank Liquidity Management: Evidence from a U.S. Credit Register | 12 January 2016 |
Ralf Meisenzahl, Federal Reserve Board |