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The Wwft and crypto services


The Wwft imposes various requirements on crypto service providers. This page refers you to useful information. This information is not exhaustive and must be read in conjunction with and not in place of the Wwft.

Published: 11 November 2019

Integrity analysis 

Integrity risk analysis Section 2b of the Wwft obligates crypto service providers to prepare an integrity risk analysis and keep it up to date.

Sound and ethical operational management 

Section 23j of the Wwft obligates crypto service providers to safeguard sound and ethical operational management.

Customer Due Diligence 

The purpose of customer due diligence is that the institution knows who it is doing business with and for what purpose the business relationship is used, and that it applies risk-based monitoring on an ongoing basis.

Transaction monitoring 

Institutions governed by the Wwft are required to monitor on an ongoing basis their business relationships and the transactions conducted or intended during the existence of those relationships.

Reporting duty 

Institutions governed by the Wwft are required to take measures aimed at preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.