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Governance: Outsourcing

Supervised financial institutions and pension funds operating in the Netherlands may choose to outsource activities to third parties. But they remain responsible for complying with relevant legislation. An undertaking must not enter into outsourcing arrangements if this could impede the exercise of adequate supervision by DNB.

Published: 07 July 2023

Why this focus on outsourcing?

Financial legislation conditionally allows financial institutions and pension funds to outsource activities to third parties. The conditions attached to outsourcing of activities have the purpose of controlling the relevant risks and ensuring that outsourcing does not impede adequate supervision. Different rules and conditions may apply for each sector. The links below refer to legislation and policies for each sector.

Differences in legislation by sector

For each sector there are guidelines for institutions on how to implement the mandatory provisions. We have included links to these guidelines below.

For each sector, there is a link to a dedicated web page explicitly detailing the statutory requirements and policy documents for outsourcing in that particular sector.

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