Source: Bloomberg. Figure 1 shows the response of Italian and Dutch interest rates to the ECB monetary meeting in Amsterdam on 8-9 June 2022. The corporate rate indices contain bonds of various companies with various credit ratings headquartered in the respective country. Banks' funding costs refer to an average interest rate on AT1 bonds of the 5-6 largest banks per country (maturity of AT1 debt is perpetual). Figure 2 shows the correlation between corporate and sovereign rates by country. A figure adjusted for movements in the risk-free (swap) rate shows a similar trend. The coefficient of the regression line is about 0.65 and is a trend line based on all observations in all countries.
To a certain extent, this is an inevitable result of market forces. However, there is a risk of markets overreacting, after which rises in interest rates become disorderly and self-reinforcing. In countries with very high public debts, the initial rise in sovereign rates may spark concerns about repayment capacity, a further steep rise in interest rates, and so on. Even if the initial rise was appropriate, the dynamics may escalate. Contagion effects, in which interest rate increases in several (vulnerable) countries reinforce each other, cannot be ruled out either. At the same time, capital inflows to safer countries (such as the Netherlands and Germany) may lead to falling interest rates there. As a consequence, the ECB will have less control over the interest rates paid by households, NFCs and governments in the euro area, and fewer possibilities to steer inflation.
Inflation is currently running high worldwide. It goes hand in hand with economic and political uncertainty surrounding, for example, natural gas supplies and the war in Ukraine. Especially in this situation, there should be no doubt about the ECB's willingness to raise interest rates as high as necessary to get inflation back to 2%. Concerns about an excessively unbalanced monetary policy transmission, in which a significant part of the euro area would face disproportionately rising interest rates, could lead to such doubt. This is why the ECB decided to announce the TPI at this particular moment.
But what exactly does the instrument entail?
The TPI allows the ECB to purchase sovereign bonds issued by countries which face sharp interest rate movements that are not justified given their economic fundamentals and that jeopardise monetary transmission. If necessary, the programme may be extended to include corporate bonds. The scale of possible purchases depends on the severity of the situation, but is not limited in advance. However, any TPI interventions will be temporary and will end when the markets calm down or when the ECB's Governing Council finds that the continuation of the market turmoil is driven by fundamental factors. Unlike previous (partly) transmission-oriented instruments, such as the pandemic emergency purchase programme (PEPP), the aim is not to ease the monetary policy stance. Hence, the ECB will address the impact of any purchases on the Eurosystem's bond portfolio and ensure that there is no (persistent) balance sheet growth. The maturity of bonds to be purchased is capped at 10 years.
To prevent the ECB from responding to fundamental interest rate movements and prevent countries from trying to abuse the instrument, a list of eligibility criteria has been established. First of all, they ensure that countries do not violate European fiscal rules and that their public debt is sustainable. The ECB will take into account debt sustainability analyses by external parties such as the European Commission, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Countries will also have to comply with the rules regarding macroeconomic imbalances (MIP) and they have to respect the agreements made in the Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRP) from the European Recovery and Resilience Facility. Subject to these eligibility criteria, the ECB’s Governing Council will, in the event of market turmoil, decide on the appropriateness and proportionality of an intervention based on a broad set of market and transmission indicators.
For transmission risks arising from the pandemic, reinvestments under the pandemic emergency purchase programme (PEPP) remain the first line of defence. The Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme also remains available as the ultimate backstop for countries that meet the relevant conditions. The conditions and application of PEPP, TPI and OMT are tailored to the specific causes that can lead to activation. With these three instruments, the ECB has a well-stocked toolkit to secure the transmission of monetary policy and raise interest rates as far and as fast as necessary to curb inflation.