Budget and accountability

De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) draws up a budget every year. The budget provides an overview of our priorities, the results we aim for and the cost trends we anticipate in the year ahead.


Our overall budget consists of two parts: one budget covers our monetary tasks, such as implementing the monetary policy and safeguarding the smooth functioning of payment systems. The other budget deals with our tasks as the supervisor of financial institutions, the national resolution authority and the administrator of the Dutch Deposit Guarantee Scheme. The second budget is referred to as the ZBO budget, because we perform these tasks as an independent public body, or ZBO in Dutch.


Our Supervisory Board approves the overall budget. We then submit the ZBO budget to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment for their approval. Prior to this, we discuss the draft ZBO budget with representatives of the institutions we supervise in panel meetings. We always disclose the reports of these panel meetings.


Of course, we also account for the realisation of our previous-year budget each year. To this end, we draw up an annual report that discusses all our tasks. We also separately issue a ZBO report, which only deals with the tasks we carry out as a ZBO.

View our annual reports here.

In recent years, we have also published condensed online versions of our annual reports for a more general audience. You can find them here:

Expense claims

Lastly, the Executive Board considers it important that it can be held accountable for its own expense reports. This is why we disclose our expense claims policy and the Executive Board members’ expense claims.

The following overview lists our budgets, reports and expense claims of the past five years. Below it is a link to our archive for older documents.