Solvency II: Directive 2009/138/EC

Solvency II is the new, risk-based supervisory framework for the insurance sector that entered into effect on 1 January 2016.

The main aim of this framework is to protect the interests of policyholders through quantitative capital requirements and qualitative requirements with respect to operational management and transparency towards the public and the supervisory authorities. Solvency II does not apply to funeral expenses and benefits in kind insurers nor the majority of small insurers; in the Netherlands, these groups come under the Solvency II Basic framework.

Solvency II constitutes a comprehensive review of existing European legislation governing the insurance sector and its supervision, combining nine existing European insurance supervision directives into a single Solvency II Directive. Its introduction will ensure the uniform application of standards for risk management, financial valuation methods and prudential supervision across Europe. Solvency II also strengthens the supervision of insurance groups and cooperation between supervisory authorities. You can find more information on the various components of the Solvency II framework below.


Solvency II navigation

  • Solvency II: Algemeen
  • Solvency II: Pilaar 1
  • Solvency II: Pilaar 2
  • Solvency II: Pilaar 3
  • Solvency II: Basic
  • Solvency II: Groepstoezicht
  • Solvency II: Supervisory Review Proces

The structure of Solvency II consists of three interconnected pillars:

  • quantitative requirements (Pillar 1)
  • qualitative requirements (Pillar 2)
  • market discipline and supervision reports (Pillar 3)

In addition, Solvency II strengthens the supervision of insurance groups compared with the situation under the current insurance framework.

Overview European Legislation Solvency II

Overview national legislation Solvency II

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