Eligible assets

Assets used in the ECB's monetary policy transactions and for payment system purposes must meet the Eurosystem's eligibility criteria.

Why eligible assets?

Eligibility criteria serve to protect the Eurosystem against potential defaults and to safeguard the equal treatment of all counterparties throughout the euro area. Also, uniform eligibility criteria make the Eurosystem's operations more effective.

Single list of collateral

The Eurosystem uses a single list of collateral. Only assets that meet the Eurosystem's criteria are eligible as collateral for monetary policy transactions and intraday credit. The list contains both marketable and non-marketable assets. The list of eligible marketable assets can be found on the ECB website.

Credit claims

Specific non-marketable assets, such as credit claims, are eligible throughout the Eurosystem. The "basket" of non-marketable eligible assets includes private loans granted by the State of the Netherlands, as well as other private loans, such as those granted to provinces, municipalities and water boards, and private loans granted to housing associations subject to a guarantee issued by the Social Housing Guarantee Fund (WSW).