The core tasks of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) include analysis and advice. To perform this task, we conduct extensive research. We focus our research activities on the issues we are committed to: stable prices, solid financial institutions and smoothly functioning payment systems.
English as our working language
Because our research work is set in an international, English-speaking context, we present the Research pages of our website in English only.
Research activities
We have a lively research community at DNB. Our Economic Policy and Research Department (EBO) employs about 25 researchers. Staff from other departments and divisions also engage in scholarly research. Every year, we welcome several external researchers from other institutes the context of our Visiting Scholars Programme and our PhD Internship Programme. In addition, we make our microdata available to external researchers for use in their own research activities.
Visit our researchers’ personal pages to find out more about them and their research activities.
Sharing knowledge
Our researchers publish their work in DNB Working Papers, articles in academic journals and books, Occasional Studies, DNB Analyses and other relevant publications. Keep abreast of our research news by signing up for our Research Newsletter. Register by emailing us at
Every year, we organise several internal and external seminars, including an annual research conference in the autumn, as well as several smaller events.
In short, our research findings form the basis for the advice we provide on monetary and supervisory policy. We create and use econometric models to make economic forecasts, comparing the effects of different policy choices. We use these research findings to inform policymakers, scholars, financial and business professionals as well as the general public. We make sure everyone has access to our research news.