Sanctions Act 1977


In the Netherlands, the Sanctions Act 1977 (Sanctiewet 1977) is a piece of umbrella legislation under which national and international rules are implemented in compliance of international sanctions regulations.

Orders in council can be imposed to ensure compliance with treaties or international agreements. If the national rules serve to comply with obligations under treaties or binding decisions of organisations under international law, a ministerial order suffices. The regulations are collectively known as sanctions regulations.

This is an overview page with general information about the Dutch Sanctions Act (Sanctiewet 1977)
Current news items on the sanctions against Russia can be found here.
See this page for information on what we expect institutions to do if they discover that the identity of a business relation corresponds to a person or legal entity referred to in the sanctions regulations.


In the Netherlands, the Sanctions Act 1977 (Sanctiewet 1977) is a piece of umbrella legislation under which national and international rules are implemented in compliance of international sanctions regulations.

Orders in council can be imposed to ensure compliance with treaties or international agreements. If the national rules serve to comply with obligations under treaties or binding decisions of organisations under international law, a ministerial order suffices. The regulations are collectively known as sanctions regulations.