Regulation on Supervision pursuant to the Sanctions Act 1977 (Regeling toezicht Sanctiewet 1977)

Laws and regulations

The Regulation on Supervision pursuant to the Sanctions Act 1977 (Regeling toezicht Sanctiewet 1977 – RTSw) was jointly issued by DNB and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten – AFM) on 28 September 2005. It sets rules for compliance by financial institutions with the legal provisions established under or pursuant to the Sw aimed at combating terrorist financing. The regulation is based on various legal provisions. They are: Sections 10(2), 10b and 10f of the Sw.

Published: 09 May 2014

The Sanctions Act Delegation Decree (Overdrachtsbesluit Sanctiewet 1977, Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees 2002, 403)

The Regulation designating legal entities under the Sanctions Act (Aanwijzingsregeling rechtspersonen Sanctiewet 1977), Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees 2002, 106) The regulation pertains mainly to financial institutions subject to supervision and their supervisors.

Internal control structure

Financial institutions must have measures in place to ensure compliance with sanctions regulations with regard to their internal control structure. This includes checking whether a customer's identity matches an individual or entity referred to in sanctions regulations. They must immediately notify the supervisory authority of any matches.

Retaining and submitting data

The institution must retain the notifications and underlying data for up to five years after the expiry or abrogation of the sanction regulations citing the relevant individual or legal entity. It must submit them to the supervisor upon request.

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