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23-12-2021 New version validation report for XBRL reports in DLR and new DLR

Published: 23 December 2021

23-12-2021 New version validation report for XBRL reports in DLR and new DLR

As a follow-up to the process for optimizing the validation process, DNB has amended the validation report for XBRL reports.

As of December 24, the new version of the validation report will be made available with the feedback on XBRL reports via the DLR or the new DLR. New in this version is that in addition to the taxonomy validation rules that are not satisfied, the validation rules that are satisfied are also shown. This makes it more transparent which validation rules DNB has implemented.

On the Formula Assertions tab you will find an overview of all validation rules that have been performed. You can easily filter on the lines that are not satisfied by choosing Unsatisfied in the Result column. In addition, a second tab is made available, Formula Assertions Details. This tab contains additional information about the validation rules that are unsatisfied and the data points involved. As previously announced, an XML file with the validation results will also be made available with the report. This file also shows all validation rules that are executed.