Global liquidity regulation - Why did it take so long?
Published: 20 January 2015
The purpose of this paper is to assess the history of global liquidity regulation until the revised Basel III proposals in 2013 and to analyze the interaction of capital regulation and banks’ liquidity buffers. Our analysis suggests that regulating capital is associated with declining liquidity buffers. The interaction of liquidity regulation and monetary policy as well as the view that regulating capital also addresses liquidity risks were important factors hampering harmonized liquidity regulation. It appears that crisis-related supervisory momentum is an important factor behind most agreements on regulatory harmonization.
In line with that, the drying up of funding and the subsequent liquidity problems during the 2007-08 financial crisis played a large role in the development of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR).
Keywords: Regulation, Policy, Liquidity, Banks.
JEL classification: G18, G21, E42.
Working paper no. 455
455 - Global liquidity regulation - Why did it take so long?
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