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New application: Dataloop

News item supervision

This autumn, we are launching a new application for Solvency II insurers in My DNB: Dataloop. The application offers you an improved user experience to interact with us, and it enables us to assess the data quality of reports more efficiently. 

Published: 05 September 2023

Samenwerken en overleggen over pensioenuitvoering

My DNB is the platform where we offer various services for the industry. Dataloop is an application for assessing the data quality of supervisory reports and related communication with insurers, and it will be part of the Reporting Service (formerly: Digital Reporting Portal).  


Last year, we jointly piloted Dataloop with eight Solvency II insurers via iForum. The following insights emerged from the pilot: 

  • A better user experience for all: the reporting process receives much higher ratings thanks to Dataloop. New and historical data quality metrics are centrally accessible via an intuitive application, used by both DNB’s account managers and institutions.   
  • Improved cooperation on data quality thanks to easier and more transparent communication about data quality.  
  • Efficiency for everyone involved: it will take less time to retrieve relevant (historical) information and communication and carry out pending actions, as all actions and interactions between DNB and the institution will take place in a single, central location. 

We have decided to launch Dataloop for all SII insurers due to the expected reporting benefits. 

What does this mean for Solvency II insurers? 

We hope to enable reports processing – the feedback and processing of data quality findings – in Dataloop for the Solvency II quarterly statements for Q3. You will then log in to My DNB using your existing eHerkenning credentials to access Dataloop. In the second half of October, we will confirm whether the system will be up and running for the third quarter reports.  

Next steps 

We will get back to you in the second half of October via the same communication channels with practical information about the launch. In the meantime, we will be conducting further tests with a number of insurers. Are you interested in gaining initial experiences with the application and helping us with your suggestions for improvement? Please let us before 8 September. 

If you have questions or comments about Dataloop, or if you would like to participate in the user tests, please contact us at Dataloop@dnb.nl. 

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