DNB confirms the O-SII buffers

News item supervision

Published: 01 December 2022

In 2020, DNB modified the composition of the systemic buffer to better align them with the reviewed Capital Requirement Directive (CRD V). The systemic risk buffer (SRB) was abolished, and the buffer for Other Systemically Important Institutions (O-SII buffer) was amended where appropriate. As of 29 December 2020, consequently, the following O-SII buffers apply: ING (2,5%), Rabobank (2%), ABN AMRO Bank (1,5%), and BNG and de Volksbank (1%).

DNB has decided, based on the yearly evaluation, that these buffers remain in force. CRD V Article 131 as well as Article 105c of the “Besluit prudentiële regels Wft (Bpr)” instruct DNB to evaluate the O-SII buffer at least once a year. This evaluation is conducted by DNB and has not led to changes in the applicable O-SII buffers. The next evaluation of the buffers is planned in the spring of 2023.

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