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Which banks?

Which banks are covered by the deposit guarantee? 

Money in a bank account with one of these banks in Bonaire, Sint Eustatius or Saba is protected:* 

  • Banco di Caribe N.V. 
  • Maduro & Curiel's Bank (Bonaire) N.V. 
  • Orco Bank N.V. 
  • RBC Royal Bank N.V.  

These banks have a licence to operate through a branch office as a bank in the Caribbean Netherlands. This list is subject to change. If in doubt, ask your own bank whether your money is protected by the deposit guarantee. The register of banks licensed for the Caribbean Netherlands is always up to date. 

*) Currently, First Caribbean International Bank (Cayman) Ltd. and PSB Bank N.V. are also licensed to provide banking services in the Caribbean Netherlands. As these two banks have no branch offices in Bonaire, Sint Eustatius or Saba, the balances held at these banks are not eligible for the deposit guarantee for the Caribbean Netherlands.