DNB publishes Q&A on consolidation in insurance-led financial conglomerates

Press release

Published: 07 November 2020

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Today, DNB published a Q&A describing policy on how, for example, a bank or other financial entity is consolidated in the group balance sheet of insurance-led financial conglomerates.

This policy is in line with the binding provisions on this subject contained in the SII Delegated Regulation (the European supervisory framework for insurers – Solvency II). This adjusted method may lead to a change in the reported Solvency II ratios of relevant insurers, and does not reflect any direct change in their risk profile. This changed method will in any case be applied to the Solvency II reporting figures for 2020.

For more information, please contact Tobias Oudejans, tel. nrs. 020 524 31 00 en 06 524 96 961.

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