External income balance was significantly lower in 2020
The external income balance came to EUR -9 billion (-1.1% of GDP) in 2020, down EUR 12 billion on 2019 (see Figure 2, net primary income). The decline reflected lower income on direct investment. In particular, profits from foreign equity holdings declined sharply across all quarters of 2020, reaching a total of EUR -39 billion for full 2020. Profits realised by foreign firms on their participating interests in the Netherlands were also lower throughout the year, but their EUR 13 billion decrease was significantly more muted. Lower profit distributions by Dutch investment funds provided some counterbalance, especially in the second quarter.
Current transfers, commonly referred to as net secondary income, also contributed to the decline in the current account surplus, as their balance receded both in general government, due to lower tax proceeds on income and wealth, and in the private sector, due to a one-off current transfer in the first quarter.