29-06-2023 Announcement MESREP taxonomy version 2.3.0 and changes compared to version 2.2.0

As of reporting on the first quarter in 2024 (to be reported in April 2024), a number of changes will be made to the MESREP taxonomy. This new taxonomy version 2.3.0 will be published in October 2023. An overview of the changes compared to the current version 2.2.0 can be found here.


The changes and materiality thereof vary per reporting profile. Some changes concern:

  • addition to a number of forms of an explanation field for transactions larger than EUR 3 billion or less than EUR -3 billion, including a warning validation rule;
  • form name changes (to make clearer what needs to be reported);
  • limitation of counterparty sectors on forms T01.03 and T01.04 (for 'unlisted shares' and 'other equity');
  • addition of a new profit and loss form for insurers that follow IFRS 9/17 with corresponding blocking validation rules.


In the overview you can filter by profile and form.