New ECB templates available for reporting Supervisory Fees including updated instructions

The ECB has published new templates for the 2020 fee factors on the ECB Banking Supervision website, see link. The ECB has created two separate templates, one regarding the Total Risk Exposure (TRE) and one regarding the Total Assets (TA). In addition the corresponding instructions for the fee factors have been updated.

Another change is that not all banks are required to submit the templates for the collection of fee factors, as the ECB will reuse Finrep and Corep data if possible. More information on this can be found under the header ‘Estimate your fee’ via aforementioned link. You can also get in touch with your contact person for reporting matters at TBO.

The above-mentioned templates must be submitted no later than 11 November 2020. The reporting obligation will be available in DLR from 30 October.