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Supervisory applications service: available forms

If you are authorised to use our Supervisory applications service, you will find the following application forms:

The new pension system

  • Notification form for pension funds – conversion decision and implementation plan (only available in Dutch)
  • Bridging plan notification form for pension funds (only available in Dutch)

Fit and proper assessments

  • Initial assessment crypto service providers
  • Application for an initial assessment or an assessment in the context of a licence
  • Application for an initial assessment in the context of a declaration of no-objection (DNO)
  • Request for change in position or remit 
  • Reappointments notification form
  • Prospective Appointment Notification Form for Banks that qualify as Significant Institution (under SSM-regulation)
  • Application form for initial assessment of second-tier senior officers (only available in Dutch)

More information

Please read the relevant information under Assessments before completing and submitting a form.

Declarations of no-objection

  • Application for a declaration of no-objection (DNO) – Section 3:96 of the Wft
  • Application for a declaration of no-objection (DNO) – Section 3:95 of the Wft – other
  • Application for a declaration of no-objection (DNO) in a bank
  • Application for a declaration of no-objection (DNO) – Section 3:97 of the Wft
  • DNO notification form for group companies

More information

Please read the relevant information under Declaration of no-objection before completing and submitting a form.


  • Application form Payment service provider PSD2
  • Licence application form for trust offices
  • Licence application form for electronic money institutions PSD2
  • Licence application form for general pension funds (only available in Dutch)
  • Licence application form for insurance companies
  • Licence application form for Credit unions
  • Authorisation application form for pursuing the business of a credit institution
  • Licence application form for premium pension institutions (only available in Dutch)
  • Licence application form for exchange institutions (only available in Dutch)
  • Application for approval or exemption of parent (mixed) financial holding company
  • Other licence application forms, registration forms and notification forms Market Access

More information

Please read the relevant information under Licence before completing and submitting a form.


  • Initial assessment crypto service providers

More information

Please read the relevant information under Registration of crypto service providers before completing and submitting a form.


  • Notification of suspected illegal financial services violator
  • Notification form for deviation from bonus cap for non-CLA staff (only available in Dutch)
  • Sanction report for the application of article 3 of the Sanctions Act 1977
  • Major Incident Reporting
  • Outbound notification form for payment institutions and electronic money institutions
  • Notification outsourcing
  • Notification of group transfer of accrued benefits (CWO) from a pension fund (Section 83 of the Pw) (only available in Dutch)
  • Notification of liquidation and group transfer of accrued benefits (CWO) (Section 84 of the Pw) (only available in Dutch)
  • Notification of group transfer of accrued benefits (CWO) from an insurer or PPI under Section 83 or 90 of the Pw (only available in Dutch)
  • Notification Outsourcing
  • Notification Outsourcing Key Functions
  • Notification form for outsourcing of asset management services at pension funds and PPIs (only available in Dutch)


  • Application form for exemption from the Pensions Act and PPIs (only available in Dutch)
  • Application form for dispensation As referred to in Section 3:7(4) of the Financial Supervision Act (Wet financieel toezicht - Wft)
  • Application form dispensation 3:5(4) of the Financial Supervision Act (Wet financieel toezicht-Wft)
  • Application form for insurers for exemption or permission (only available in Dutch)
  • Application form for investment firms for exemption or permission
  • Exemption or permission for banks (LSIs)
  • Notification of exemption for electronic money institutions under PSD2 (only available in Dutch)
  • Notification form for exempted payment institutions under PSD2 (only available in Dutch)
  • Notification of electronic communications services exception (Section 1:5a (2)(l) DFSA)
  • Notification of limited network exception (Section 1:5a (2)(k) DFSA)
  • Application form for dispensation Trust offices

Termination of supervision

  • Application form for portfolio transfer (insurers, only available in Dutch)
  • Request form for termination of supervision (pension funds, only available in Dutch)
  • Licence revocation application form


  • Form for other applications and notifications

This form can be used if you want to submit an application, a report or a notification for which no specific form is available. In the form you can select the activity for which you need a licence or which you want to report or notify. Options are: 

    • Notification of code of conduct of actuarial organisations
    • Notification of XB licence of Dutch pension funds
    • One-off increase in risk profile in deficit situation pursuant to Section 36 of the Pension Fund (Financial Assessment Framework) Decree (Besluit FTK)
    • Assessment of partial internal model for required own funds
    • Portfolio transfer upon merger or demerger
    • Notification of establishment of a pension fund
    • Reporting a supervisory incident
    • EMIR clearing obligation (pension funds)
    • Wtp implementation plan for insurers (Section 150b(1) of the Wtp)