Do you have any questions about the exchange of banknotes or coins? Many answers can be found in our FAQs
No, we do not charge a fee for exchanging banknotes or coins.
Visiting DNB to exchange money
Yes, but only by appointment. You must first submit a request to exchange your guilders or euros. If we approve your request, We will invite you to make an appointment to visit us and exchange your money.
No, that is not possible. You must use a regular mail or courier service to send your money to us by mail.
Sending money and personal information by mail
Put the banknotes and coins in a transparent bag. Put the bag in a sturdy envelope.
Sending money by mail is at your own risk and expense. If you send it by registered mail to our PO Box, we will sign for receipt.
The safest way to send personal information to De Nederlandsche Bank is via our Digital Portal. This is a secured environment.
Banknotes that are stuck together
Do not try to separate the banknotes. Instead, take a picture of the banknotes. If the banknotes are wet, you can air-dry them.
Retaining confidential data
We treat personal data with the utmost care and comply with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means we refrain from processing more personal data than necessary. We take measures to secure your personal data,
such as:
Physical measures (storing documents in cupboards that are locked)
Logistical measures (limiting access to personal data)
Technical measures (encrypting personal data).
Compensation and approval or rejection of requests for exchange
If we approve your request, you will generally receive your compensation within 8 weeks. But sometimes it may take longer, For instance, if we need more information in connection with your request. The processing time for your request may be extended once by 6 weeks.
We do not return such large amounts by mail; you must collect the money yourself. In some cases, we may decide to seize the money. If we reject your request, we will always provide an explanation of why we rejected it and the consequences for your money.
If you have any questions about your request, You can call us on 0800 020 1068 (freephone in the Netherlands) or +31 20 524 91 11 (if you call us from abroad) on business days between 9:00 and 12:00. Or send an email to
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