This paper takes stock of European banks accumulated losses since 2007 and relates these to bank characteristics. In line with previous studies, we find that large, market-oriented banks were particularly hit by the 2007-2009 global financial crisis whereas smaller, retail-oriented banks weathered these years relatively well. In subsequent years, however, the picture reversed and retail-oriented banks were most affected. Over the entire period, medium-sized banks suffered most losses and often needed state aid. This suggests that measures to contain systemic risk, such as capital surcharges and bail-in requirements, are as relevant for these institutions as they are for the largest banks.
Keywords: Bank profitability, Business model, Financial crisis.
JEL classifications: G01, G21.
Working paper no. 600
European banks after the global financial crisis: Peak accumulated losses, twin crises and business models
Working Papers
Published: 03 July 2018
By: Leo de Haan Jan Kakes
600 - European banks after the global financial crisis: Peak accumulated losses, twin crises and business models
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