Consultation Regeling beheerst beloningsbeleid

Supervision consultation

Published: 27 May 2024

Supervision consultation closed

This Supervision consultation is closed. It is no longer possible to respond.

News item

In the concept Regeling beheerst beloningsbeleid 2017 (Rbb 2017) DNB lays down requirements in the field of remuneration policy. As a result of the implementation of the Fifth Capital Requirements Directive (CRD V), the Rbb is modified. Recently DNB explored the required modifications and assimilated the proposed changes in the Rbb 2017. Now interested parties are invited to respond to these proposed modifications.

What is being consulted?

This consultation page holds two documents, being

◾The concept decision 2020 to modify the Regeling beheerst beloningsbeleid 2017
◾The concept modified Rbb 2017 itself, including explanation. For reasons of clarity the added and removed texts are marked by the ‘track changes’ option.

Responses to the consultation

For responding to the consultation and for asking questions in light of this consultation you can send an email to DNB via Please mention your name, the page number your reaction refers to and if desired the organization you work for.

The responses to the Rbb are anonymized and (partially) disclosed. This is because (parts of) the responses are being processed into a feedback statement after consultation.

The consultation period runs until 6 november.