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Research Seminars 2014

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Title and Speaker Date
Long-Run Determinants and Misalignments of Real Effective Exchange Rates in EU and EMU Member States 16-dec-14
Mariarosaria Comunale, Bank of Lithuania
From Progress to Nightmare: European Regional Unemployment 9-dec-14
Michael Stemmer, Paris School of Economics
How Well Do Central Bankers Understand Fiscal Policy? 2-dec-14
Simon van Norden, HEC Montréal
Mortgage Arrears in Europe: The Impact of Monetary and Macroprudential Policies 4-nov-14
Petra Gerlach-Kristen, Swiss National Bank
Spillover Dynamics for Systemic Risk Measurement Using Spatial Financial Time Series Models 28 October 2014
Andre Lucas, VU
Nieuwe Duitse macht: probleem of oplossing voor Europa? 22 October 2014
Marnix Krop, Leiden University
Bank-Lending Standards, Loan Growth and the Business Cycle in the Euro Area 21 October 2014
Sylvia Kaufmann, Study Centre Gernzensee
The Resurgence of Cultural Borders in International Finance during the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Eurozone Cross-Border Depositing 14 October 2014
Stefanie Kleimeier, Maastricht University
Models of Banking: Loanable Funds or Loans That Create Funds? 9 October 2014
Michael Kumhof, IMF
tba 30-sep-14
Enrico Perotti, UVA
Effective Resolution of Banks: Problems and Solutions 23-sep-14
Guenter Franke, University of Konstanz
"Foreign Banks and Lending to Public and Private Firms during Normal Times and Financial Crises" 16-sep-14
Allen Berger, University of South Carolina
The Effects of a Money-Financed Fiscal Stimulus 8-sep-14
Jordi Gali, CREI
Sovereign Defaults, External Debt and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics 29 July 2014
Tamon Asonuma, IMF
Liquidity, Non-bank credit and the Crisis: Evidence from Automobiles 22 July 2014
Rodney Ramcharan, Federal Reserve Board
Measuring Changing Market Expectations of Bank Resolution Regimes Using Credit Default Swaps and News Flow Data 10 July 2014
Menno Middeldorp, Bank of England
tba 8 July 2014
Sergio Rabelo, Northwestern University (POSTPONED)
Saving Europe?: The Unpleasant Arithmetic of Fiscal Austerity in Integrated Economies 3 July 2014
Enrique Mendoza, University of Pennsylvania
Financial and economic education for more successful reforms. The case of the Italian pension and labor market reforms 1 July 2014
Elsa Fornero, University of Turijn
Market Set-Up in Advance of Federal Reserve Policy Rate Decisions 24 June 2014
Michel van der Wel, Erasmus University
The Offshore Renminbi Exchange Rate: Microstructure and Links to the Onshore Market 17 June 2014
Yin-Wong Cheung, City University of Hong Kong
Are Foreign-Owned Firms Different? Comparison of Employment Volatility and Elasticity of Labour Demand 10 June 2014
Tairi Rõõm, Bank of Estonia
(When) Are Fire-Sales Inefficient? 3 June 2014
Anton Korinek, Johns Hopkins University
Bank Size and Systemic Risk 27 May 2014
Lev Ratnovski, IMF
The Components of the Wealth Effect on Consumption 13 May 2014
Monica Paiella, University of Napoli Parthenope
Banks' Finanancial Distress, Lending Supply and Consumption Expenditure 6 May 2014
Reint Gropp, Goethe University
The Federal Reserve’s Role: Actions Before, During and After the 2008 Panic in the Historical Context of the Great Contraction. 22-apr-14
Michael Bordo, Ruthers Universty
Financial Shocks and Labor Market Fluctuations 15-apr-14
Francesco Zanetti, University of Oxford
Banking and Collateral in a Monetary Economy 8-apr-14
Makoto Watanabe, University of Amsterdam
The Impact of Liquidity Regulation on Bank Behaviour; Evidence from the UK 1-apr-14
Ryan Banerjee, BIS
The Federal Reserve's Discount Window and TAF Programs: "Pushing on a String?" 25 March 2014
Christa Bouwman, Case Western Reserve University
The Disturbing Interaction between Countercyclical Capital Requirements and Systemic Risk 18 March 2014
Wolf Wagner, Tilburg University
Financial Crises, Crisis Spillovers and the Business Cycle 4 March 2014
Stefan Straetmans, Maastricht University
Quantitative monetary policy and government debt management in Britain since 1919 4 February 2014
Bill Allen, Cass Business School
Learning by doing: The Value of Experience and the Origin of Skills for Mutual Fund Managers 21 January 2014
Alberto Manconi, Tilburg University