Research Seminars 2014
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Title and Speaker | Date |
Long-Run Determinants and Misalignments of Real Effective Exchange Rates in EU and EMU Member States | 16-dec-14 |
Mariarosaria Comunale, Bank of Lithuania | |
From Progress to Nightmare: European Regional Unemployment | 9-dec-14 |
Michael Stemmer, Paris School of Economics | |
How Well Do Central Bankers Understand Fiscal Policy? | 2-dec-14 |
Simon van Norden, HEC Montréal | |
Mortgage Arrears in Europe: The Impact of Monetary and Macroprudential Policies | 4-nov-14 |
Petra Gerlach-Kristen, Swiss National Bank | |
Spillover Dynamics for Systemic Risk Measurement Using Spatial Financial Time Series Models | 28 October 2014 |
Andre Lucas, VU | |
Nieuwe Duitse macht: probleem of oplossing voor Europa? | 22 October 2014 |
Marnix Krop, Leiden University | |
Bank-Lending Standards, Loan Growth and the Business Cycle in the Euro Area | 21 October 2014 |
Sylvia Kaufmann, Study Centre Gernzensee | |
The Resurgence of Cultural Borders in International Finance during the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Eurozone Cross-Border Depositing | 14 October 2014 |
Stefanie Kleimeier, Maastricht University | |
Models of Banking: Loanable Funds or Loans That Create Funds? | 9 October 2014 |
Michael Kumhof, IMF | |
tba | 30-sep-14 |
Enrico Perotti, UVA | |
Effective Resolution of Banks: Problems and Solutions | 23-sep-14 |
Guenter Franke, University of Konstanz | |
"Foreign Banks and Lending to Public and Private Firms during Normal Times and Financial Crises" | 16-sep-14 |
Allen Berger, University of South Carolina | |
The Effects of a Money-Financed Fiscal Stimulus | 8-sep-14 |
Jordi Gali, CREI | |
Sovereign Defaults, External Debt and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics | 29 July 2014 |
Tamon Asonuma, IMF | |
Liquidity, Non-bank credit and the Crisis: Evidence from Automobiles | 22 July 2014 |
Rodney Ramcharan, Federal Reserve Board | |
Measuring Changing Market Expectations of Bank Resolution Regimes Using Credit Default Swaps and News Flow Data | 10 July 2014 |
Menno Middeldorp, Bank of England | |
tba | 8 July 2014 |
Sergio Rabelo, Northwestern University (POSTPONED) | |
Saving Europe?: The Unpleasant Arithmetic of Fiscal Austerity in Integrated Economies | 3 July 2014 |
Enrique Mendoza, University of Pennsylvania | |
Financial and economic education for more successful reforms. The case of the Italian pension and labor market reforms | 1 July 2014 |
Elsa Fornero, University of Turijn | |
Market Set-Up in Advance of Federal Reserve Policy Rate Decisions | 24 June 2014 |
Michel van der Wel, Erasmus University | |
The Offshore Renminbi Exchange Rate: Microstructure and Links to the Onshore Market | 17 June 2014 |
Yin-Wong Cheung, City University of Hong Kong | |
Are Foreign-Owned Firms Different? Comparison of Employment Volatility and Elasticity of Labour Demand | 10 June 2014 |
Tairi Rõõm, Bank of Estonia | |
(When) Are Fire-Sales Inefficient? | 3 June 2014 |
Anton Korinek, Johns Hopkins University | |
Bank Size and Systemic Risk | 27 May 2014 |
Lev Ratnovski, IMF | |
The Components of the Wealth Effect on Consumption | 13 May 2014 |
Monica Paiella, University of Napoli Parthenope | |
Banks' Finanancial Distress, Lending Supply and Consumption Expenditure | 6 May 2014 |
Reint Gropp, Goethe University | |
The Federal Reserve’s Role: Actions Before, During and After the 2008 Panic in the Historical Context of the Great Contraction. | 22-apr-14 |
Michael Bordo, Ruthers Universty | |
Financial Shocks and Labor Market Fluctuations | 15-apr-14 |
Francesco Zanetti, University of Oxford | |
Banking and Collateral in a Monetary Economy | 8-apr-14 |
Makoto Watanabe, University of Amsterdam | |
The Impact of Liquidity Regulation on Bank Behaviour; Evidence from the UK | 1-apr-14 |
Ryan Banerjee, BIS | |
The Federal Reserve's Discount Window and TAF Programs: "Pushing on a String?" | 25 March 2014 |
Christa Bouwman, Case Western Reserve University | |
The Disturbing Interaction between Countercyclical Capital Requirements and Systemic Risk | 18 March 2014 |
Wolf Wagner, Tilburg University | |
Financial Crises, Crisis Spillovers and the Business Cycle | 4 March 2014 |
Stefan Straetmans, Maastricht University | |
Quantitative monetary policy and government debt management in Britain since 1919 | 4 February 2014 |
Bill Allen, Cass Business School | |
Learning by doing: The Value of Experience and the Origin of Skills for Mutual Fund Managers | 21 January 2014 |
Alberto Manconi, Tilburg University |