Research Seminars 2015

research seminars 2015

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Title and Speaker Date
tba 15-dec-15
Margherita Bottero, Bank of Italy (POSTPONED)
Nationally Representative Firm Level data from the ORBIS Global Database: Construction and Some Applications for International Economics and Finance 8-dec-15
Vadym Volosovych, Erasmus University
First Impressions Matter: An Experimental Investigation of Online Financial Advice 3-dec-15
Susan Thorp, University of Sydney
Business and Financial Cycles: an Unobserved Components Models Perspective 24-nov-15
Gerhard Runstler, ECB
tba 17-nov-15
Guido Ascari, Oxford University (POSTPONED)
Crowded Trades: An Overlooked Systemic Risk for Central Clearing Counterparties 10-nov-15
Albert Menkveld, VU
A Review on Safe Assets 3-nov-15
Pascal Golec, University of Amsterdam
Selective Disclosure: The Case of Nikkei Preview Articles 2-nov-15
Yasushi Hamao, Columbia Business School
Targeting Prices or Nominal GDP: Forward Guidance and Expectation Dynamics 29 October 2015
Seppo Honkapohja, Bank of Finland
Buying First or Selling First in Housing Markets 27 October 2015
Florian Sniekers, VU
Tax havens or Safe havens. What differences does it make for the removal of bank secrecy? 20 October 2015
Skerdilajda Zanaj, University of Luxembourg
The Strategic Under-Reporting of Bank Risk 13 October 2015
Taylor Begley, London Business School
tba 6 October 2015
Thomas Lubik, FED (POSTPONED)
Regulating the Financial Cycle: An Integrated Approach with a Leverage Ratio 22-sep-15
Dirk Schoenmaker, Duisenberg School of Finance
Expectations of inflation: Effects of Wording, Mode, and Opportunities to Revise 16-sep-15
Wandi Bruine de Bruine, Leeds University
Collateral versus Informed Screening during Banking Relationships 15-sep-15
Artashes Karapetyan, Norges Bank
Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises: Can Monetary Policy Really Help? 9-sep-15
Eric van Wincoop, University of Virginia/ NBER
A Reexamination of Contingent Convertibles with Stock Price Triggers 8-sep-15
George Pennacchi, University of Illinois
tba 1-sep-15
Jan Egbert Sturm,Director of KOF Swiss Economic Institute at the ETH Zurich (POSTPONED)
Clamoring for Greenbacks: Explaining the Resurgence of the US Dollar in International Public Debt 31-aug-15
Hiro Ito, Portland State University
Federal Reserve Monetary Policy Normalization 18-aug-15
William Nelson, Federal Reserve System
Openness and the (Inverted) Aggregate Demand Logic 23 June 2015
Job Boerma, University of Minnesota
The Intrafirm Complexity of Systemically Important Financial Institutions 16 June 2015
Robin Lumsdaine, University of Portsmouth
The Dark Corners of the Labor Market 11 June 2015
vincent Sterk, University College London
The Deposit Financing Gap, the Current Account Surplus and Other Anomalies in the Dutch Economy 9 June 2015
Joan Muysken, Maastricht University
Women in Finance 2 June 2015
Renée Adams, University of North South Wales
Top Incomes, Rising Inequality, and Welfare 26 May 2015
Agnieszka Markiewicz, Erasmus University
Fiscal Rules and Business Cycles in Emerging and Developing Economies 20 May 2015
Michael Hutchison, University of California
tba 19 May 2015
Jean Imbs, Paris School of Economics (POSTPONED)
Search for Yield 12 May 2015
Rafael Repullo, CEMFI
Short-Term Forecasting of U.S. Growth Rates: Pooling Forecasts Using Higher Frequency Factors 6 May 2015
Jan Groen, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Banks, Liquidity Management and Monetary Policy 30-apr-15
Saki Bigio, Columbia University
Targeting Inflation from Below - How do Inflation Expectations Behave? 21-apr-15
Michael Ehrmann, Bank of Canada
Cocos, Contagion and Systemic Risk 14-apr-15
Sweder van Wijnbergen, Amsterdam University
The Economics of Investor-Paid Credit Rating Agencies 7-apr-15
Dion Bongaerts, Erasmus University
Financial Shocks and Labor Market Fluctuations 2-apr-15
Francesco Zanetti, University of Oxford
Domestic Bond Markets and Inflation 31 March 2015
Andrew Rose, University of California
Estimating Structural Parameters in Regression Models with Adaptive Learning 24 March 2015
Michael Massmann, VU
Modeling Multivariate Data Revisions 17 March 2015
Jan Jacobs, Groningen University
Global Corporate Bond Issuance: What Role for US Quantitative Easing? 10 March 2015
Marco lo Duco, ECB (POSTPONED)
Consumption and Credit Constraints: A Model and Evidence for Ireland 3 March 2015
Rossana Merola, International Labour Office
Shadow Insurance 10 February 2015
Ralph Koijen, London Business School