Research Seminars 2015
research seminars 2015
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Title and Speaker | Date |
tba | 15-dec-15 |
Margherita Bottero, Bank of Italy (POSTPONED) | |
Nationally Representative Firm Level data from the ORBIS Global Database: Construction and Some Applications for International Economics and Finance | 8-dec-15 |
Vadym Volosovych, Erasmus University | |
First Impressions Matter: An Experimental Investigation of Online Financial Advice | 3-dec-15 |
Susan Thorp, University of Sydney | |
Business and Financial Cycles: an Unobserved Components Models Perspective | 24-nov-15 |
Gerhard Runstler, ECB | |
tba | 17-nov-15 |
Guido Ascari, Oxford University (POSTPONED) | |
Crowded Trades: An Overlooked Systemic Risk for Central Clearing Counterparties | 10-nov-15 |
Albert Menkveld, VU | |
A Review on Safe Assets | 3-nov-15 |
Pascal Golec, University of Amsterdam | |
Selective Disclosure: The Case of Nikkei Preview Articles | 2-nov-15 |
Yasushi Hamao, Columbia Business School | |
Targeting Prices or Nominal GDP: Forward Guidance and Expectation Dynamics | 29 October 2015 |
Seppo Honkapohja, Bank of Finland | |
Buying First or Selling First in Housing Markets | 27 October 2015 |
Florian Sniekers, VU | |
Tax havens or Safe havens. What differences does it make for the removal of bank secrecy? | 20 October 2015 |
Skerdilajda Zanaj, University of Luxembourg | |
The Strategic Under-Reporting of Bank Risk | 13 October 2015 |
Taylor Begley, London Business School | |
tba | 6 October 2015 |
Thomas Lubik, FED (POSTPONED) | |
Regulating the Financial Cycle: An Integrated Approach with a Leverage Ratio | 22-sep-15 |
Dirk Schoenmaker, Duisenberg School of Finance | |
Expectations of inflation: Effects of Wording, Mode, and Opportunities to Revise | 16-sep-15 |
Wandi Bruine de Bruine, Leeds University | |
Collateral versus Informed Screening during Banking Relationships | 15-sep-15 |
Artashes Karapetyan, Norges Bank | |
Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises: Can Monetary Policy Really Help? | 9-sep-15 |
Eric van Wincoop, University of Virginia/ NBER | |
A Reexamination of Contingent Convertibles with Stock Price Triggers | 8-sep-15 |
George Pennacchi, University of Illinois | |
tba | 1-sep-15 |
Jan Egbert Sturm,Director of KOF Swiss Economic Institute at the ETH Zurich (POSTPONED) | |
Clamoring for Greenbacks: Explaining the Resurgence of the US Dollar in International Public Debt | 31-aug-15 |
Hiro Ito, Portland State University | |
Federal Reserve Monetary Policy Normalization | 18-aug-15 |
William Nelson, Federal Reserve System | |
Openness and the (Inverted) Aggregate Demand Logic | 23 June 2015 |
Job Boerma, University of Minnesota | |
The Intrafirm Complexity of Systemically Important Financial Institutions | 16 June 2015 |
Robin Lumsdaine, University of Portsmouth | |
The Dark Corners of the Labor Market | 11 June 2015 |
vincent Sterk, University College London | |
The Deposit Financing Gap, the Current Account Surplus and Other Anomalies in the Dutch Economy | 9 June 2015 |
Joan Muysken, Maastricht University | |
Women in Finance | 2 June 2015 |
Renée Adams, University of North South Wales | |
Top Incomes, Rising Inequality, and Welfare | 26 May 2015 |
Agnieszka Markiewicz, Erasmus University | |
Fiscal Rules and Business Cycles in Emerging and Developing Economies | 20 May 2015 |
Michael Hutchison, University of California | |
tba | 19 May 2015 |
Jean Imbs, Paris School of Economics (POSTPONED) | |
Search for Yield | 12 May 2015 |
Rafael Repullo, CEMFI | |
Short-Term Forecasting of U.S. Growth Rates: Pooling Forecasts Using Higher Frequency Factors | 6 May 2015 |
Jan Groen, Federal Reserve Bank of New York | |
Banks, Liquidity Management and Monetary Policy | 30-apr-15 |
Saki Bigio, Columbia University | |
Targeting Inflation from Below - How do Inflation Expectations Behave? | 21-apr-15 |
Michael Ehrmann, Bank of Canada | |
Cocos, Contagion and Systemic Risk | 14-apr-15 |
Sweder van Wijnbergen, Amsterdam University | |
The Economics of Investor-Paid Credit Rating Agencies | 7-apr-15 |
Dion Bongaerts, Erasmus University | |
Financial Shocks and Labor Market Fluctuations | 2-apr-15 |
Francesco Zanetti, University of Oxford | |
Domestic Bond Markets and Inflation | 31 March 2015 |
Andrew Rose, University of California | |
Estimating Structural Parameters in Regression Models with Adaptive Learning | 24 March 2015 |
Michael Massmann, VU | |
Modeling Multivariate Data Revisions | 17 March 2015 |
Jan Jacobs, Groningen University | |
Global Corporate Bond Issuance: What Role for US Quantitative Easing? | 10 March 2015 |
Marco lo Duco, ECB (POSTPONED) | |
Consumption and Credit Constraints: A Model and Evidence for Ireland | 3 March 2015 |
Rossana Merola, International Labour Office | |
Shadow Insurance | 10 February 2015 |
Ralph Koijen, London Business School |