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Research Seminars 2023

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Previous seminars

Title Date
Prescriptions for Monetary Policy when Inflation is High

28 February 2023

Aleš Maršál (National Bank of Slovakia)
Real-Time Inequality 7 March 2023
Gabriel Zucman (UC Berkeley)
The price of leverage: learning from the effect of LTV constraints on job search and wages 21 March 2023
Kasper Roszbach (Norges Bank)
Optimal Monetary Policy during a Cost-of-Living Crisis 28 March 2023
Vincent Sterk (University College London)
Brexit and the Trade Elasticity 4 April 2023
John Lewis (Bank of England)
ONLINE - Firm heterogeneity, capital misallocation and optimal Monetary Policy 11 April 2023
Galo Nuno (Bank of Spain)
A titration method to elicit the distribution of inflation expectations  13 April 2023
Stefan Trautmann (Heidelberg University)
Dynamic Programming on a Quantum Annealer: Solving the RBC Model 18 April 2023
Isaiah Hull (BI Norwegian Business School)
The macroeconomic effects of cash transfers: Evidence from Brazil 25 April 2023
Thuy Lan Nguyen (Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco)
The Macroeconomic Effects of Extreme Shock 2 May 2023
Francisco Ruge-Murcia (McGill University)
Changing credit conditions and transmission to firms 4 May 2023
Sarah Holton (European Central Bank)
Downside and Upside Uncertainty Shocks 9 May 2023
Luca Sala (Bocconi University)
Heterogeneous beliefs and the Phillips curve 16 May 2023
Francesca Monti (Université Catholique de Louvain)
The Fed’s Response to High Inflation 30 May 2023
Bill English (Yale School of Management)
Coming Down to Earth: How to Tackle Soaring Public Debt 6 June 2023
Tamon Asonuma (International Monetary Fund)
Market Power and Sectoral Heterogeneity: Unveiling the Role of Intermediary Platforms 20 June 2023
Riccardo Silvestrini (Erasmus School of Economics)
Expectations and Credit Slumps 27 June 2023
Jasmine Xiao (University of Notre Dame)
Responsible Investing under Ambiguity Induced by Climate Uncertainty 19 September 2023
Massimo Guidolin (Bocconi University)
Fund fragility: The role of investor base 26 September 2023
Marie Hoerova (ECB)
Buy-to-Live vs. Buy-to-Let: The Impact of Real Estate Investors on Housing Costs and Neighborhoods 3 October 2023
Lianne Hans (Kadaster)
Monetary Policy in the Age of Social Media: A Twitter-Based Inflation Analysis 10 October 2023
Benjamin Born (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
An agent-based model of the macro-economy 17 October 2023
Cars Hommes/Yang Zhang/Steven Hoekstra (Bank of Canada and UvA)
Firm liquidity and the transmission of monetary policy 24 October 2023
Margherita Bottero (Bank of Italy)
What drives inflation? Disentangling demand and supply factors 31 October 2023
Boris Hofmann (BIS)
Bang for the Buck: Aggregate Impact of Firm-Level R&D Incentives 21 November 2023
Petr Sedlacek (University of New South Wales)
Foreign Portfolios and Domestic Business Cycles with Heterogeneous Agents 28 November 2023
Ralph Luetticke (University of Tubingen)
Estimating the Missing Intercept

05 December 2023

Christian Matthes (Indiana University)
Monetary Policy and Endogenous Financial Crises 12 December 2023
Cristina Manea (BIS)
Which Exchange Rate Matters to Global Investors? 21 December 2023
Kristy Jansen (USC Marshall)