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Good practice intragroup-relationships in the insurance sector

Good practice

Intra-group agreements and positions between insurers and other group entities (hereinafter: IGRs) may pose risks to the solidity of an insurer and the solidity of the group to which the insurer belongs. For this reason, De Nederlandsche Bank supervises IGRs in groups. In certain circumstances IGRs may pose an obstacle to the resolution of an insurer or the entire group as referred to in the Act on the recovery and resolution of insurers (“Wet herstel en afwikkeling van verzekeraars”).

Published: 22 July 2019

This Good Practice is a revision of the ‘normenkader intragroepsovereenkomsten en –posities van verzekeraars’. DNB publishes such guidance to offer an insight into the relevant legal and regulatory requirements and DNB’s expectations of institutions in implementing these requirements.

Should there be any discrepancies between the Dutch and the English version of this good practice document, the Dutch version shall prevail.

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