Banking Information Reference Portal

The Banking Information Reference Portal Act (Wet verwijzingsportaal bankgegevens) entered into force on 10 September 2020. Banks and other payment service providers (including electronic money institutions and payment institutions) offering accounts with a Dutch international bank account number (IBAN) and banks providing safe custody services in the Netherlands are under a statutory duty to register with this portal. The Banking Information Reference Portal Act is now implemented in the Financial Supervision Act (Wet financieel toezicht – Wft) by means of Section 3:267i.

Reference portal

The Banking Information Reference Portal is a digital facility for automated disclosure of identification data demanded by competent investigative authorities and the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. Banks and other payment service providers are under a statutory duty to comply with demands for disclosure from these authorities. The Portal digitises the process of demanding identification data and complying with disclosure demands, which to date are manual procedures.

Statutory duty to register

The Banking Information Reference Portal Act introduces a statutory duty to register for the following institutions.

  • Banks and other payment services providers (including electronic money institutions and payment institutions) offering accounts with a Dutch international bank account number (as referred to in the SEPA Regulation)
  • Banks providing safe custody services in the Netherlands.

The duty to register follows from Section 3:267i of the Wft. The Banking Information Reference Portal Decree provides further rules on the data disclosed through the system and the technical requirements that the system and the register must meet.

Registration before the start of service provision

The statutory duty to register implies that banks and other service providers may only start offering bank accounts with a Dutch IBAN once they are registered with the Banking Information Reference Portal. The same applies to banks wishing to provide safe custody services. Banks and other service providers must keep in mind that the registration process takes time. Providing the products or services referred to above without registration means an institution is in non-compliance with the statutory duty to register.


If your institution is subject to the statutory duty to register, you must apply for registration with the Dutch Judicial Information Service (Justitiële Informatiedienst – Justid) in good time. Justid keeps the register. You can contact Justid at or +31 70 370 33 12. Click here for more information.

Monitoring compliance

DNB is responsible for monitoring institutions’ compliance with the statutory duty to register with the Banking Information Reference Portal. We also work closely with Justid. Under our supervisory mandate we have the power to enforce compliance with the duty to register pursuant to Sections 1:79 and 1:80 of the Wft.