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Publication new version Assessment framework for supervision of compliance with requirements of Single Customer View Policy Rule

News item Dutch Deposit Guarantee

DNB has published a new version of the Assessment framework for supervision of compliance with requirements of Single Customer View Policy Rule. This revised version of the assessment framework sets the standards for 2024 and beyond

Published: 20 December 2023

Toorop in de avond

Assessment Framework

The assessment framework specifies DNB's supervision of compliance with the requirements in the Single Customer View Policy Rule. This policy rule describes how a bank organizes the administration, procedures and measures in such a way in order to compile the Single Customer View (IKB) completely, timely and correctly for the Dutch deposit guarantee. The SCV is a standardized overview of all deposits of a depositor, supplemented with data compliant with a data model prescribed by DNB. This includes the effectiveness of the SCV system, the delivery period of the SCV file and guaranteeing the required level of data quality. The assessment framework specifies the criteria and standards for monitoring and assessing compliance with the policy rule. DNB can intervene if banks are not sufficiently compliant.

Growth path

DNB established a growth path for compliance with the policy rule for the period 2020 - 2023. The new version of the assessment framework sets the standards for 2024 and beyond. The most important changes are the new norms for data quality and clarifying the mandatory assessment of the SCV system by the internal audit service and external auditor of banks.


The revised version of the assessment framework is published on this page.

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