Publication of Regulation on Sound Remuneration Policies Financial Supervision Act 2021 (“Rbb 2021”) in Dutch Government Gazette

News item supervision

Published: 26 April 2022

Gesprek man en vrouw

On October 1st, the joint Regulation on Sound Remuneration Policies Financial Supervision Act 2021(“Rbb 2021”) was published in the Dutch Government Gazette on behalf of the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and the Dutch Central Bank (DNB)

On 15 April 2021, the AFM and DNB consulted the market on the joint Rbb 2021. The result of this consultation was published on the websites of the AFM and DNB on 2 August 2021.

Entry into force of the Rbb 2021

Although the Rbb 2021 has been published in the Dutch Government Gazette, it has not yet entered into force yet. The Rbb 2021 will enter into force once the Investment Firms Directive Implementation Act has entered into force.

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