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New report on integrity supervision: Integrity Supervision in Focus

News item supervision

De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) has published "Integrity Supervision in Focus 2024-2025" (ISF). With this new annual publication, we aim to share findings and insights from our integrity supervision practice.

Published: 22 April 2024

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Background and objective

The ISF replaces our previous sector letters, marking the next step in our communication with the financial sector. The report is primarily based on the results of our integrity risk reporting (IRAP) and the supervisory examinations we conducted between July 2022 and December 2023.

We have built it on previously laid foundations, such as our publications "From Recovery to Balance" and "Supervisory Strategy 2021-2024". The aim is to provide an integrated overview of our supervisory activities and share the insights we gained from them across sectors. In this way we seek to support supervised institutions in their ongoing efforts to manage integrity risks and foster regulatory compliance.

Insights and challenges

The ISF discusses how we engage with the sector on compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme), the Act on the Supervision of Trust Offices 2018 (Wet toezicht trustkantoren 2018) and the Sanctions Act (Sanctiewet). The report also shares insights on developments and challenges in managing integrity risks. In addition, it explains how we use our supervisory tools to foster compliance, and it offers an analysis of the main integrity risks. The ISF does not set out any new DNB policies.

Integrity Supervision in Focus 2024-2025

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