Sales of shares in sectors sensitive to the coronavirus crisis
The information that institutional investors report to DNB allows insight into their investment policies. For example, their approach during the course of the coronavirus crisis, in which share prices initially fell sharply – with large differences per sector – but then recovered strongly.
Insurers and pension funds on balance sold shares worth EUR 7.1 billion in the first quarter of 2020. These included special shares of financial institutions (EUR 2.5 billion) and oil and other industries (EUR 1.2 billion). In the second quarter, insurers and pension funds bought shares worth EUR 8.2 billion, especially in sectors that suffered relatively little damage from the coronavirus crisis or where the crisis seemed to offer opportunities. For example, the pharmaceutical industry (EUR 1.4 billion), the computer and electronics industry (EUR 1.3 billion), ICT services (EUR 2.4 billion), and the wholesale and retail sectors (EUR 1.5 billion). On balance, in the third quarter institutional investors also invested more in shares (EUR 8.8 billion). Unlike in previous quarters, these investments were more evenly spread across sectors.