New version "Required templates and filing indicators DPM 3.0"

Under "User documentation" a new version of the file "Required templates and filing indicators DPM 3.0" is available, in which is indicated the templates that are mandatory, not allowed or optional and with which value a filing indicator should be included in the XBRL report.

Cells containing changes are marked with yellow. Specific changes are highlighted in red. If you have any questions, please call your contact person for reporting issues at DNB.

The changes in this version cover the following modules:
◾COREP FRTB (new module);
◾COREP OF (new templates credit risk, CCR and Non performing exposures);
◾COREP LR (new templates leverage ratio volatility, deleted templates C41.00/C42.00);
◾Asset Encumbrance (new condition SNCI introduced);
◾Large Exposures (deleted templates C30.00/C31.00);
◾SBP CR (new condition regarding low/high default portfolio introduced);
◾NSFR (old templates replaced by new);
◾ALMM (new condition SNCI introduced);
◾GSII (new module);
◾Remuneration (new module);
◾Remuneration High Earners (new module);

A complete overview of all supervisory reporting requirements, technical information related to the Validation rules, the EBA Data Point Model(s) (DPM) and XBRL Taxonomies can be found on the EBA website using the following link: EBA reporting frameworks.