The importance of value chains for euro area trade: a time series perspective

Working paper 672
Working Papers

Published: 04 February 2020

By: Duncan van Limbergen Robert Vermeulen

This paper analyses intra- and extra-euro area (EA) trade flows for the five largest EA countries in order to gauge the importance of value chains. We bridge findings from input-output table analysis with a time series approach. Evidence of value chains is found for all trade patterns and is most pronounced within the EA. Imports from EA and RoW are not only domestically absorbed, but also re-exported. Exports to EA depend on demand in both the importing country and the rest of the world (RoW), indicating the importance of re-exports to RoW. Demand factors play a large role in all trade patterns.

Keywords: global value chains; euro area; trade patterns
JEL codes F14; F45

Working paper no. 672

672 - The importance of value chains for euro area trade: a time series perspective

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