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Dorinth van Dijk

Short Bio

Dorinth is an economist at Econometrics and Models Department. He received his PhD in Finance from the University of Amsterdam with the thesis “Commercial and Residential Real Estate Market Liquidity”. He has also completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the MIT Center for Real Estate Price Dynamics Platform, where he currently is also a research affiliate.


2019 - Ph.D. Real Estate Finance, University of Amsterdam
2014 - M.Sc. Business Economics - Real Estate Finance and Finance (double specialization, cum laude)

Research Interests

  • Real Estate Economics
  • Market Liquidity
  • Mortgage Financing
  • Forecasting
  • Bayesian Econometrics
  • State-Space methods
  • Applied Econometrics
  • GIS

Work in Progress

Van Dijk, D.W., Francke, M.K. - “Integration of funding and market liquidity in real estate".

Working Papers

Van Dijk, D.W., de Winter, J. (2023). Nowcasting GDP using tone-adjusted time varying news topics: evidence from the financial press. Download

Van Dijk, D.W., Kinsella Thompson, A., Geltner D. (2020). Recent drops in market liquidity may foreshadow major drops in US commercial real estate market, MIT Center for Real Estate Price Dynamics Platform Special Report / in progress. Download

Publications in refereed journals

Van Dijk, D. W. (2024). Local constant-quality housing market liquidity indices. Regional Science and Urban Economics 106, 103997. Download

Zhu, B., D. W. van Dijk and C. Lizieri (2024). Price diffusion across international private commercial real estate markets. Journal of International Money and Finance 140, 102976. (Download)

Van Dijk, D.W., D. Geltner and A. Van de Minne (2022). The dynamics of liquidity in commercial property markets: Revisiting supply and demand indexes in real estate. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 64, 327-360. Best paper award ERES 2018 Reading, UK. Download

Van Dijk, D.W. and M.K. Francke (2021). Commonalities in private commercial real estate market liquidity and price index returns, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, forthcoming

Rolheiser, L., D.W. van Dijk and A. Van de Minne (2020). Housing vintage and price dynamics, Regional Science & Urban Economics 84, 103569. Download

Van Dijk, D.W. and M.K. Francke (2018). Internet search behavior, liquidity, and prices in the housing market. Real Estate Economics 46(2), 368-403. Best paper award AREUEA International Real Estate Summit Washington D.C. Download

Van Dijk, D.W (2018). Residential real estate market liquidity in Amsterdam. Real Estate Research Quarterly, October, 5-10. Download

Books/Publications in books

Öztürk B., Van Dijk, D.W., Van Hoenselaar, F., Burgers S. (2019). The relationship between supply constraints and house price dynamics in the Netherlands, in: R. Nijskens et al. (Eds.), Hot Property: The Housing Market in Major Cities, Springer, 2019. Download

Other publications

Van Dijk, D.W. (2024). Nowcasten van CBS-huizenprijzen met NVM-huizenprijzen. Real Estate Research Quarterly 2024|7. Download

Eijsink, G. and D. W. Van Dijk (2024). Measuring the affordability of houses for first time buyers. SUERF Policy Brief No. 769. Download

van Dijk, D.W. and M. van Rooij (2023). Mismatch woningmarkt voor 1,8 miljoen huishoudens. Economisch Statistische Berichten, forthcoming. Download

van Dijk, D.W. and M. van Rooij (2022). Bouwen voor ouderen kan gehele woningmarkt toegankelijker maken. Economisch Statistische Berichten 107(48095), 56-59. Download

van Dijk, D.W., A. Kinsella Thompson and D. Geltner (2021). Privaat commercieel vastgoed in tijden van Covid. Real Estate Research Quarterly 20(1) Januari 2021. Download

de Winter, J. and D.W. van Dijk (2021). Sentimentsindicator op basis van financieel-economisch nieuws, Economisch Statistische Berichten, forthcoming. Download

Havlinova, J. and D.W. van Dijk (2019). Verplichte energielabels hebben positieve effect op verduurzaming van huizen, Economisch Statistische Berichten 104(4779), 536-538. Download

Eureka! (2019). Verhandelbaarheid vastgoed voorspelt prijsbeweging. Interview by Bendert Zevenbergen. Download

Öztürk B., D.W. van Dijk and F. van Hoenselaar (2018). Aanbodbeperkingen hebben effect op huizenprijzen. Economisch Statistische Berichten 103(4767), 498-500. Download

van Dijk, D.W. and G. Mesters (2018). Amsterdam bepalend voor woningprijzen. Economisch Statistische Berichten 103(4767), 492-494. Download

Butler, B., D.W. van Dijk and A. Stokman (2018). Onderschatting conjunctuur is van alle tijden. Economisch Statistische Berichten, Statistiek Rubriek. Download

Butler, B., D.W. van Dijk and A. Stokman (2017), Voorspellers onderschatten cycliciteit economie, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 102(4755), 552-555. Download

van Dijk, D.W., M.K. Francke and M. Mastrogiacomo (2017), Beperking hypotheekrisico zichtbaar met loan level data, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 102(4749S), 27-31, 2017. Download

van Dijk, D.W., A. van de Minne and D. Geltner (2017), Prijsdynamiek van commercieel vastgoed in de EU: cheaper is better, Real Estate Research Quarterly, September 2017, 29-37. Download


Latest update: June 2024