DFROG: A nowcasting model for GDP growth

Working paper 819
Working Papers

Gepubliceerd: 20 november 2024

Door: Dorinth van Dijk Mick van Rooijen Jasper de Winter

This paper presents DFROG, the “nowcasting” model employed by De Nederland- sche Bank (DNB) to generate near-term forecasts of the quarter-on-quarter growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The core concept of DFROG is that the co- movement of a potentially large set of monthly economic indicators can be sum- marized into a few factors, which can then be used to forecast GDP growth. We compare the forecast accuracy of DFROG with several benchmark models and pro- fessional analysts, and conduct a thorough review of the model’s optimal specifica- tion.

Keywords: nowcasting; dynamic factor model
JEL codes C33; C53; E37

Working paper no. 819

Research highlights

  • This paper presents the nowcasting model DFROG (Dutch Forecasting Model for Real-time Output Growth) that De Nederlandsche Bank uses for its near-term GDP growth forecasts;
  • We find that model specification, the composition and transformation of the dataset of monthly series included in the model, and the estimation period matter for forecast accuracy;
  • To insure against model instability the DFROG forecasts are an unweighted average of eighteen model specifications;
  • We find that DFROG is a very competitive model within the class of nowcasting models, and also with respect to professional analysts;
  • DFROG, and the other mechanical models considered, are unable to beat the near-term forecast of professional analysts during the highly volatile COVID-period.


819 - DFROG: A nowcasting model for GDP growth

819 - DFROG: A nowcasting model for GDP growth

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