Jan Marc Berk

Jan Marc Berk

Jan Marc Berk

Resolution Division

Short Bio

Presently, director of the Resolution division. Previous positions include director of the Statistics division, the Economics and Research division, head of the Monetary and Economic Policy department, Research department, associate professor Money and Banking at the Free University Amsterdam and Research Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute. 


  • Phd economics, Groningen University
  • Masters Degrees in Macroeconomics and Financial Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam and Tilburg University, respectively.

Research interests

  • Financial markets
  • Financial institutions
  • Monetary economics     

Working papers

The Dynamic Voting Patterns of the Bank of England's MPC (with Beata Bierut en Ellen Meade), DNB Working Paper no. 261. Download

See my Repec page

Data and programs

For: 'Price Level Convergence and Regional Phillips Curves in the US and EMU': Download

Publications in refereed journals

J.M. Berk and B.K. Bierut (2011), Communication in a monetary policy committee, European Journal of Political Economy 27(4), 791-801.

J.M. Berk and J. Swank (2011), Price level convergence and regional Phillips curves in the US and EMU, Journal of International Money and Finance 30, 749-763.

J.M. Berk and B.K. Bierut (2010), Monetary policy committees: Meetings and outcomes, Contemporary Economic Policy 28(4), 569-588. Download

J.M. Berk (2003), New Economy, Old Central Banks?, Economic Notes, Review of Banking,Finance and Monetary Economics 32(1), 1-35 

J.M. Berk (2002), Consumers’ inflation expectations and monetary policy in  Europe, Contemporary Economic Policy 20, 122-133. 

J.M. Berk (2002), Central Banking and financial innovation: A survey of the modern literature, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review 222, 1-35.

J.M. Berk and K. Knot (2001), Testing for long horizon UIP using PPP-Based Exchange Rate Expectations, Journal of Banking and Finance 25(2), 377-391. 

J.M. Berk and K. Knot (2001), The term structure of UIP: Evidence from survey data, Applied Economics Letters 8, 459-462.

J.M. Berk and P. van Bergeijk (2001), European Monetary Union, the term structure and the Lucas Critique, Kyklos 54(4), 547-557.

J.M. Berk (1999), Measuring inflation expectations: a survey data approach, Applied Economics 31, 1467-1480.

J.M. Berk (1999), Did markets expect Italy to join EMU? Evidence from Options Markets, Applied Economics Letters 6, 481-484.

J.M. Berk (1998), The information content of the yield curve for monetary policy: a survey, De Economist 146, 303-320.

J.M. Berk (1998), Monetary transmission: what do we know and how can we use it, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review 51, 145-170. 

J.M. Berk (1997), Trade flows as a channel for the transmission of business cycles, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review 50, 187-213.

J.M. Berk and J.A. Bikker (1995), The use of leading indicators for forecasting and analysis: interdependence of business cycles in manufacturing industry, Journal of Forecasting 14, 1-25. 

J.M. Berk and C. Winder (1994), Price movements in the Netherlandsand Germany and the guilder-Dmark peg, De Economist 142, 63-74.

Books and publications in books

J.M. Berk (2009), What kinds of research in central banks?, in: D. Mayes and G. Wood (eds), Designing Central Banks, Routledge, 222-242.

J.M. Berk and G.E. Hebbink (2009), The European Consumer and Monetary Policy, chapter 9 in: P.J.N. Sinclair (ed.), Inflation Expectations, Routledge.

J.M. Berk and R.P. Berben (2003), Requirements for succesful currency regimes: the Dutch and Thai experiences, DNB Occasional Studies vol. 1, no. 1 

J.M. Berk (2001), The preparation of monetary policy: essays on a multi-model approach, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

J.M. Berk, A. Houben and J. Kakes (2000), The monetary policy strategy of the Eurosystem, in: Van Bergeijk, P.A.G., Berndsen, R.J., and Jansen, J. (eds), The Economics of the Euro Area, Edward Elgar,  Cheltenham, 173-195.

J.M. Berk (1999), Testing techniques for estimating implied RND’s from the prices of European-style options: a comment, BIS Conference Proceedings, November.

Other publications

M. Balling, J.M. Berk and M.O. Strauss-Kahn (2010), The quest for stability: the macro view, SUERF Studies 2010/2.

M. Balling, J.M. Berk and M.O. Strauss-Kahn (2010), The quest for stability: the view of financial institutions, SUERF Studies 2010/3

M. Balling, J.M. Berk and M.O. Strauss-Kahn (2010), The quest for stability: the financial stability view, SUERF Studies 2010/4.

J.M. Berk and B. Bierut (2003), Monetaire besluitvorming door een comité (Monetary decision-making by a committee), Economisch-Statistische Berichten 88(4419), 540-542

J.M. Berk (2002), Monetaire transmissie in een nieuwe economie (Monetary transmission in a new economy), Economisch-Statistische Berichten 87(4347), 128-130.

The role of a national central bank in the single European monetary policy, DNB Quarterly Bulletin, March 2000

The monetary policy strategy of the Eurosystem (with Aerdt Houben), DNB Quarterly Bulletin June 1999.

J.M. Berk and A. Houben (1999), De monetaire beleidsstrategie van het Eurosysteem (The monetary policy strategy of the Euro system), Economisch-Statistische Berichten 84, 49. 

J.M. Berk (1998), Prijsstabiliteit als doelstelling van het monetaire beleid (Price stability as monetary policy objective), Juglar, no. 6, mei.

J.M. Berk (1998), De interactie tussen financiële structuur en de conjunctuur (The interaction between financial structure and the business cycle), Maandschrift Economie 62, 79-96.

J.M. Berk (1998), Beleid en wetenschap in de centrale bank (Policy and science in the central bank), Economisch-Statistische Berichten 83, 570.

The international business cycle and economic growth: analysis and forecasting with indicators (with Jaap Bikker), DNB Quarterly Bulletin, June 1994.

J.A. Bikker and J.M. Berk (1994), Conjunctuur in het buitenland: indicatoren voor veertien landen (The business cycle abroad: indicators for fourteen countries), Maandschrift Economie 58, 129-150. 

J.M. Berk (1994), Overheid en Inflatie (Government and inflation), Economisch-Statistische Berichten 79, 53-57.

J.A. Bikker and J.M. Berk (1994), De voorspelkwaliteit van de DNB-conjunctuurindicator (The forecasting performance of the DNB business cycle indicator), Economisch-Statistische Berichten 79, 903-905.   

The present cyclical downturn in a historical perspective, DNB Quarterly Bulletin, September 1993 


Latest update: February 2020