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Nicole Jonker

Nicole Jonker

Nicole Jonker

Payments & Market Infrastructures


2001 - Ph.D. Economics, University of Amsterdam; dissertation Job Performance and Career Prospects of Auditors
1996 - Master's Econometrics, University of Amsterdam

Research interests

  • Two-sided Markets
  • Payments Economics 
  • Financial Household Behaviour      

Working papers

See my Repec page.

Publications in refereed journals

Bijlsma, M., C. van der Cruijsen and N. Jonker (2022), Consumer willingness to share payments data: trust for sale? Journal of Financial Services Research, forthcoming. Download

Jonker, N., C. van der Cruijsen, M. Bijlsma and W. Bolt (2022), Pandemic payment patterns, Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming. Download

Jonker, N. and A. Kosse (2022), The interplay of financial education, financial inclusion and financial stability and the role of Big Tech, Contemporary Economic Policy 40(4), 612-635. Download

Hanegraaf, R., A. Larcin, N. Jonker, S. Mandley and J. Miedema (2020), Life cycle assessment of cash payments in the Netherlands, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 120–140. Download

Jonker, N. (2019), What drives the adoption of crypto-payments by online retailers?, Journal Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 35, 100848. Download

van der Cruijsen, C. and N. Jonker (2019). Pension profile preferences: the influence of trust and expected expenses, Applied Economics 51(12), 1212-1231. Download

Jansen, D. and N. Jonker (2018), Fuel tourism in Dutch border regions: Are only salient price differentials relevant? Energy Economics 74, 143-153. Download

Roos Lindgreen, E., M. van Schendel, N. Jonker, J. Kloek, L. de Graaff and M. Davidson (2018), Evaluating the environmental impact of debit card payments, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23(9), 1847-1861. Download

Jonker, N., M. Plooij en J. Verburg (2017), Did a public campaign influence debit card usage? Evidence from the Netherlands, Journal of Financial Services Research 52(1-2), 89–121. Download

van der Cruijsen, C., L. Hernandez and N. Jonker (2017), In love with the debit card but still married to cash, Applied Economics 49(30), 2989-3004. Download

Hernandez, L., N. Jonker en A. Kosse (2017), Cash versus debit card: the role of budget control, Journal of Consumer Affairs 51(1), 91-112. Download

Jonker, N. and M.A. Plooij (2013), Tourist Test interchange fees for card payments: down or out? Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures 1(4), 51-72. Download

Jonker, N., and A. Kosse (2013), Estimating cash usage: The impact of survey design on research outcomes, De Economist 161(1), 19-44. Download

Jonker, N. (2011), Card acceptance and surcharging: the role of costs and competition, Review of Network Economics 10(2), article 4.

Bolt, W., N. Jonker and C. van Renselaar (2010), Incentives at the counter: An empirical analysis of surcharging card payments and payment behaviour in the Netherlands, Journal of Banking and Finance 34, 1738-1744. Download

Jonker, N. (2007), Payment instruments as perceived by consumers: Results from a household survey, De Economist 155(3), 271-303. Download

Hartog, J, N. Jonker and H. van Ophem (2006), Dual track or academic route for auditors, does it matter?, Applied Economics 38, 1019-1035. Download

Emmanuel Dhyne, Luis J. Alvarez, Herve Le Bihan, Giovanni Veronese, Daniel Dias, Johannes Hoffmann, Nicole Jonker, Patrick Lunnemann, Fabio Rumler and Jouko Vilmunen (2006), Price Changes in the Euro Area and the United States: Some facts from individual consumer price data, Journal of Economic Perspectives 20, 171-192. Download

Hartog, J., A. Ferrer-i-Carbonell en N. Jonker (2002), On a simple measure of risk aversion, Kyklos 55(1), 3-26.

Cramer, J.S., J. Hartog, N. Jonker and C.M. van Praag (2002), Low risk aversion encourages the choice for entrepreneurship: An empirical test of a truism, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 48, 29-36. Download

Publications in books

Bolt, W., N. Jonker and M. Plooij (2017), European Payment Systems: Pricing, Regulation and Innovation, in: T. Beck and B. Casu (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of European Banking, Palgrave Macmillan.

Jonker, N. (2016), Regulating Interchange Fees of Card Payments in: J. Górka (Ed.), Transforming Payment Systems in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 149-181. Download

Jonker, N. and A. Lammertsma (2010), From cash to electronic payments: a survey of the developments, in: Statistics Netherlands (ed.), The Digital Economy 2009, The Hague/Heerlen, 203-210. Download

Hartog, J., and N. Jonker (1998), A Job to match your Education: Does it matter? in: H. Heijke and L. Borghans (eds.), Towards a Transparent Labour Market for Educational Decisions, Ashgate Publishing Company, Aldershot.

Other publications

Brits, H. and N. Jonker (2024), Bij financiële apps weegt de gebruiker de voordelen en risico's wel degelijk af (Users do trade off the benefits and risks of financial apps), Economisch Statistische Berichten. Download

Brits, H. and N. Jonker (2022), De betaalmarkt kent voldoende winstgevende niches voor kleine bedrijven (The payments market has a sufficient amount of profitable niches for small players), Economisch Statistische Berichten. Download

Bijlsma, M., W. Bolt and N. Jonker (2021), Regulering toegang betaalinfrastructuur vergt nadere analyse (Regulating access to payment infrastructure requires further analysis), Economisch Statistische berichten. Download

Bijlsma, M., C. van der Cruijsen and N. Jonker (2020), Betaaldienstenrichtlijn heeft nog geen revolutie ontketend (Payment Services Directive 2 has not yet caused a revolution), Economisch Statistische Berichten. Download

Jonker, N., L. Hernandez, R. de Vree and P. Zwaan (2018), From cash to cards: how debit card payments overtook cash in the Netherlands, DNB Occasional Study 16(1). Download

Jonker, N. (2017), De acceptatie van virtuele valuta door webwinkeliers (The acceptance of virtual currencies by e-retailers), Economisch Statistische Berichten 102(4753s), 82-87.

van der Cruijsen, C. and N. Jonker (2017), Verwachte uitgaven en onzekerheid beïnvloeden pensioenvoorkeuren (Expected expenses and uncertainty affect pension profile preferences), Economisch Statistische Berichten 102(4750), 257-259.

Jonker, N. and M.A. Plooij (2013), De potentie van bitcoin als concurrent voor reguliere valuta's (Bitcoin's potential as a competitor of national currencies), Economisch Statistische berichten 99, 230 -233.

Jonker, N. (2013), Social costs of POS payments in the Netherlands 2002 - 2012: Efficiency gains from increased debit card usage, DNB Occasional Study 11(2). Download

Jonker, N., A. Kosse and L. Hernández (2012), Cash usage in the Netherlands: Who, where, when and whenever one wants?, DNB Occasional Study 10(2). Download

Jonker, N., and C. Voormeulen (2010), A holistic view of payment systems, EFMA Journal, no. 226, 58-61

Jonker, N., and A. Kosse (2010), Grenzeloos betalen in Europa: de consument wil wel! (Payments without borders in Europe: the consumer wants it!), Bank en Effectenbedrijf, March, 18-20. Download

Jonker, N. (2009), Kostenbewust betalen in de Europese betaalmarkt (Cost-conscious payments in the European market), Economisch Statistische Berichten, May, 330-332.

Jonker, N., and A. Kosse (2008), Towards a European payments market: survey results on cross-border payment behaviour of Dutch consumers, DNB Occasional Study no. 1. Download

Jonker, N., and Ph. Klopper (2007), Nonbanks in the Dutch retail payments system: a central bank perspective, e-Finance & Payments Law & Policy

Jonker, N., B. Scholten, M.Wind, M. Emmerik and M. van der Hoeven (2006), Echt of vals? Een experimenteel onderzoek naar het onderscheidende vermogen van kassapersoneel en consumenten (Genuine or counterfeit? An experimental investigation into the distinguishing ability of cashiers and consumers), Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie 28(1), 92-110.

Jonker, N., R. Kleijmeer and R. Uittenbogaard (2005), Efficiënter betalen door tarifering (More efficient payments through tariffing), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 22 April, 182-184

Jonker, N., J. Hartog and J.C.M. van Ophem (2001), Duale opleidingen: niet enkel beter (Dual education: not unambiguously better), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 86, 56-58.

Hartog, J., N. Jonker and Ph. Wallage (1999), Hard werken wordt nauwelijks beloond (Hard work hardly pays), De Accountant 106, October, 94-97.


Latest update: June 2024