Robert-Paul Berben

Robert-Paul Berben

Robert-Paul Berben

Economics and Research Division


2000 - Ph.D. Radboud University; dissertation 'Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Fundamentals: A Long-run Perspective'.
1995 - Master's Econometrics, Free University Amsterdam.

Research interests

  • Macroeconometric modelling
  • Forecasting

Working papers

Households’ response to wealth changes: do gains of losses make a difference? (with K. Bernoth and M. Mastrogiacomo), DNB Working Paper no. 90, 2006.

Inflation persistence in structural macroeconomic models (with R. Mestre, T. Mitrakos, J. Morgan and N.G. Zonzilos), ECB Working Paper no. 521, 2005.

Cross-country differences in monetary policy transmission (with A. Locarno, J. Morgan and J. Valles), ECB Working Paper no. 400, 2004.

Publications in refereed journals

Berben, R.P. and A.C.J. Stokman, 2016, Does deflation affect household spending? The case of the Netherlands, Applied Economics Letters, 23(10), 685-689. Download

Berben, R.P., Bierut, B. and Ph. Maier, 2012, The role of regional information in the optimal composition of a committee, Economics Bulletin 32(1), 510-517

Berben, R.P. and W.J. Jansen, 2009, Bond market and stock market integration in Europe: a smooth transition approach, Applied Economics 41, 3067-3080.

Berben, R.P. and T. Brosens, 2007, The impact of government debt on private consumption in OECD countries, Economics Letters 94, 220-225.

Berben, R.P., 2007, Does stock market uncertainty impair the use of monetary indicators in the euro area?, Applied Economics 39, 13-23.

Berben, R.P. and W.J. Jansen, 2005, Comovement in international equity markets: A sectoral view, Journal of International Money and Finance 24, 832-857.

Berben, R.P., 2004, Exchange rate pass-through in the Netherlands: has it changed?, Applied Economics Letters 11, 141-144. 

Publications in books

Berben, R.P. and E. de Jong, 1999, Exchange rates and macroeconomic fundamentals, in: S.B. Dahiya (ed.), The Current State of Economic Science, vol. 3, Routledge, 1455-1474.

Other publications

Robert-Paul Berben, Ide Kearney and Robert Vermeulen (2018), DELFI 2.0, DNB's Macroeconomic Policy Model of the Netherlands, DNB Occasional Studies No. 16-5. Download

Verbruggen, J.P., and R.P. Berben, 2012, Invloed van Zijlstra-effect op uitverdieneffecten, Economisch Statistische Berichten 4641, 487-489.

Berben, R.P., B. Bierut and J.W. van den End, 2010, Macro-effecten van hogere kapitaal- en liquiditeit standaarden voor banken (Macroeconomic effects of higher capital and liquidity standards for banks), DNB Occasional Studies 2010/3. Download (Download UK version

Berben, R.P., K. Bernoth and M. Mastrogiacomo, 2006, Households' response to wealth changes: do gains or losses make a difference?, in: Measuring the financial position of the household sector, Proceedings of the IFC Conference, BIS, 145-160. Download

Berben, R.P., K. Bernoth and M. Mastrogiacomo, 2006, Reageren consumenten anders op vermogensverliezen dan op winsten? (Do consumers respond differently to wealth losses and gains?), Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie 27, 115-131.

Berben, R.P., J.M. Berk, E. Nitihanprapas, K. Sangsuphan, P. Puapan and P. Sodsriwiboon, 2003, Requirements for succesful currency regimes: The Dutch and Thai experiences, DNB Occasional Studies 2003/1. Download


Latest update: September 2018