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Tom Hudepohl

Tom Hudepohl

Tom Hudepohl

Financial Markets Division

Short bio

Tom Hudepohl is an economist in the Monetary Operations Department of De Nederlandsche Bank and a PhD-candidate at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Currently he is seconded to the Market Operations Analysis Division of the European Central Bank. His main research interests include design and implementation of monetary policy, and the interaction between monetary policy and financial markets. He holds a Master’s degree in Financial Economics and European Business Law.

Working papers

Hudepohl, T. (2022), The rebalancing channel of QE: New evidence at the security level in the euro area, DNB Working Paper, no. 756. Download

Carrera de Souza, T. and Hudepohl, T. (2022), The Eurosystem’s bond market share at an all-time high: what does it mean for repo markets? DNB Working Paper, no. 745. Download

Hudepohl, T., Van Lamoen, R. and De Vette, N. (2019), Quantitative easing and exuberance in stock markets: Evidence from the euro area, DNB Working Paper, no. 660. Download

Bats, J. and Hudepohl, T. (2019), Impact of targeted credit easing by the ECB: Bank-level evidence, DNB Working paper, no. 631. Download

Publications in refereed journals

Carrera de Souza, T. and Hudepohl, T. (2023), Frictions in scaling up central bank balance sheet policies: how Eurosystem asset purchases impact the repo market, Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming. Download

Hudepohl, T., Van Lamoen, R. and De Vette, N. (2021), Quantitative easing and exuberance in stock markets: Evidence from the euro area, Journal of International Money and Finance, 118, 102471. Download

Other publications

Carrera de Souza, T.  and Hudepohl, T. (2022), The Eurosystem’s bond market share at an all-time high: what does it mean for repo markets? SUERF Policy Brief, no. 367. Download

Aberg, P., Corsi, M., Grossmann-Wirth, V., Hudepohl, T., Mudde, Y., Rosolin, T. and Schobert, F. (2021) Demand for central bank reserves and monetary policy implementation frameworks: the case of the Eurosystem, ECB Occasional Paper Series, no. 282. Download

Hudepohl, T., Huiting, J. and Petersen, A. (2021), Money market funds in the euro area: Vulnerabilities and the role of macroprudential policy, SUERF Policy Brief, no. 253. Download 

Hudepohl, T. (2021), Samenstelling onderpand verklaart uiteenlopen tarieven Europese geldmarkt (Composition of collateral explains divergent rates in European money market), DNBulletin. Download

Hudepohl, T. and Overduijn, D. (2021), Einde van een tijdperk: rentebenchmarkhervorming nadert climax, VBA Journaal, 37 (145), 31-38. Download

Bats, J., Hudepohl, T. and Petersen, A. (2020), De coronacrisis laat zien dat de geldmarkt niet zonder haar fondsen werkt, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 105 (4792), 585-587. Download

Hudepohl, T. and De Vette, N. (2019), Aankondiging kwantitatieve verruiming wordt gevolgd door stijging aandelenwaarderingen, DNBulletin. Download 

Bats, J. and Hudepohl, T. (2019), Gerichte stimulering kredietverlening door Europese Centrale Bank is effectief, Economisch Statistische Berichten. Download


Latest update: November 2023