Published articles - 2012
The quest for growth: The impact of bank strategy on interest margins
Saskia van Ewijk and Ivo Arnold
International Review of Financial Analysis, 2012, 25, 18–27 -
When did firms become more different? Time-varying firm-specific volatility in Japan
Emmanuel de Veirman and Andrew Levin
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2012, 26, 578-601 -
Banking risk and regulation: Does one size fit all?
Jeroen Klomp and Jakob de Haan
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2012, 36(12), 3197-3212 -
The international wealth channel: A global error-correcting analysis
Nils Holinski and Robert Vermeulen
Empirical Economics, 2012, 43(3), 985-1010 -
The power of weather
Christian Huurman, Francesco Ravazzolo and Chen Zhou
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2012, 56(11), 3793–3807 -
Assessing competition with the Panzar-Rosse model: The role of scale, cost, and equilibrium
Jacob Bikker, Sherrill Schaffer and Laura Spierdijk
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2012, 94(4), 1025–1044 -
Taming the beast? New European regulation for credit rating agencies
Fabian Amtenbrink and Jakob de Haan
Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, 2012, 4, 433-458 -
Size and earnings volatility of US bank holding companies
Jakob de Haan and Tigran Pogoshyan
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2012, 36(11), 3008–3016 -
Beyond the fiscal compact: How well-designed eurobonds may discipline governments
Jakob de Haan, Niels Gilbert, Jeroen Hessels and Silvie Verkaart
Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, 2012, 3, 323-337 -
Follow the money: what does the economic literature on banking tell prudential supervisors about bank business models
Paul Cavelaars and Joost Passenier
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 2012, 20(4), 402-416 -
Non-linear and stable perturbation-based approximations
Wouter den Haan and Joris de Wind
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2012, 36(10), 1477–1497 -
Price, wage and employment response to shocks: evidence from the WDN survey
Giuseppe Bertola, Aurelijus Dabusinskas, Marco Hoeberichts, Mario Izquierdo, Claudia Kwapil, Jeremi Montornès and Daniel Radowski
Labour Economics, 2012, 19(5), 783-791 -
An experimental study on expectations and learning in overlapping generations models
Peter Heemeijer, Cars Hommes, Joep Sonnemans and Jan Tuinstra
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 2012, 16(4) -
Is collateral becoming scarce?: Evidence for the euro area
Anouk Levels and Jeannette Capel
Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures, 2012, 1(1), 29–53 -
Households’ decisions on savings accounts after negative experiences with banks during the financial crisis
Carin van der Cruijsen, Jakob de Haan, David-Jan Jansen and Robert Mosch
Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2012, 46(3), 436-456 -
Remittances and financial openness
Michel Beine, Elisabetta Lodigiani and Robert Vermeulen
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2012, 42(5), 844–857 -
Pension funds' asset allocation and participant age: a test of the life-cycle model
Jacob Bikker, Dirk Broeders, David Hollanders and Eduard Ponds
Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2012, 79(3), 595-618 -
Credit rationing when banks are funding constrained
Itai Agur
North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2012, 23(2), 220–227 -
Measuring coherence of output gaps with an application to the euro area
Mark Mink, Jan Jacobs and Jakob de Haan
Oxford Economic Papers, 2012, 64(2), 217-236 -
Bank profitability during recessions
Wilko Bolt, Leo de Haan, Marco Hoeberichts, Maarten van Oordt and Job Swank
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2012, 36(9), 2552–2564 -
Pension fund finance and sponsoring companies
Phil Davis and Leo de Haan
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2012, 11(3), 439-463 -
Investor sophistication and risk taking
Jan de Dreu and Jaap Bikker
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2012, 36(7), 2145–2156 -
A probit model for insolvency risk among insurance companies
Leo de Haan and Jan Kakes
Frontiers in Finance and Economics, 2012, 9(1), 33-50 -
Explaining dispersion in foreign exchange expectations: A heterogeneous agent approach
Ron Jongen, Willem Verschoor, Christian Wolff and Remco Zwinkels
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2012, 36(5), 719-735 -
Using survey data to resolve the exchange risk exposure puzzle: Evidence from U.S. multinational firms
Ron Jongen, Aline Muller and Willem Verschoor
Journal of International Money and Finance, 2012, 31(2), 148-169 -
Governance of macroprudential policy
Jakob de Haan, Aerdt Houben and Remco van der Molen
Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht, 2012, 67(2), 283-302 -
The impact of scale, complexity, and service quality on the administrative costs of pension funds: A cross-country comparison
Bikker, J.A., O.W. Steenbeek, F. Torracchi
Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2012, 79(2), 477–514 -
Did accelerated filing requirements and SOX Section 404 affect the timeliness of 10-K filings?
Joost Impink, Martien Lubberink, Bart van Praag and David Veenman
Review of Accounting Studies, 2012, 17(2), 227-253 -
International shock transmission after the Lehman Brothers collapse: Evidence from syndicated lending
Ralph de Haas and Neeltje van Horen
American Economic Review - Papers & Proceedings, 2012, 102(3), 231–237 -
When liquidity risk becomes a systemic issue: Empirical evidence of bank behaviour
Jan Willem van den End and Mostafa Tabbae
Journal of Financial Stability, 2012, 8(2), 107–120 -
Liquidity Stress-Tester: Do Basel III and Unconventional Monetary Policy Work?
Jan Willem van den End
Applied Financial Economics, 2012, 22, 1233-1257 -
Transmission of the Financial and Sovereign Debt Crisis to the EMU: Stock Prices, CDS Spreads and Exchange Rates
Theoharry Grammatikos and Robert Vermeulen
Journal of International Money and Finance, 2012, 31(3), 517-533 -
Financial literacy, retirement planning, and household wealth
Maarten van Rooij, Annamaria Lusardi and Rob Alessie
The Economic Journal, 2012, 122, 449–478 -
The simple econometrics of tail dependence
Maarten van Oordt and Chen Zhou
Economics Letters, 2012, 116(3), 371-373 -
China's outward direct investment in Africa
Yin-Wong Cheung, Jakob de Haan, Xingwang Qian and Shu Yu
Review of International Economics, 2012, 20(2), 201-220 -
Diagnostic tests of cross section independence in limited variable panel data models
Chen Hsiao, M. Hashem Pesaran and Andreas Pick
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2012, 74(2), 253–277 -
An empirical test of spatial competition in the audit market
Wieteke Numan and Marleen Willekens
Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2012, 53(1–2), 450–465 -
Being a foreigner among domestic banks: Asset or liability?
Stijn Claessens and Neeltje van Horen
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2012, 36, 1276-1290 -
How reliable are cyclically adjusted budget balances in real time?
Andrew Hughes Hallet, Rasmus Kattai and John Lewis
Contemporary Economic Policy, 2012, 30(1), 75–92 -
Generational impacts of demographic changes in pay-as-you-go pension schemes: Measurement and application to the Netherlands
Willem Heeringa and Lans Bovenberg
De Economist, 2012, 160(1), 1-16 -
The role of regional information in the optimal composition of a committee
Berben, R.P., B.K. Bierut and Ph. Maier
Economics Bulletin, 2012, 32(1), 510-517 -
Investment strategies of institutional investors: Evidence from Dutch flow-of-funds data
Leo de Haan and Jan Kakes
Applied Economics Letters, 2012, 19(2), 155-159 -
Government bond yields and foreign ownership of debt
Menno Broos and Jakob de Haan
Applied Economics Letters, 2012, 19(5), 435-438 -
Bank size, market concentration, and bank earnings volatility in the US
Tigran Poghosyan and Jakob de Haan
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2012, 22(1), 35-54 -
Market timing and corporate capital structure: a transatlantic comparison
Allard Bruinshoofd and Leo de Haan
Applied Economics, 2012, 44 (28), 3691-3703 -
Exceedance probability of the integral of a stochastic process
Ana Ferreira, Laurens de Haan and Chen Zhou
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2012, 105(1), 241-257 -
Mean reversion in international stock markets: an empirical analysis of the 20th century
Laura Spierdijk, Jacob Bikker, Pieter van den Hoek
Journal of International Money and Finance, 2012, 31, 228-249 -
The political economy of financial reform: How robust are Huang's findings?
Eelco Zandberg, Jakob de Haan and Paul Elhorst
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2012, 27(4), 695-699
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