Reinsurers’ register


Reinsurers must hold a licence in order to pursue to business of a reinsurer.

Published: 11 January 2009

Licensed reinsurers are included in the register pursuant to Sections 2:26a, 2:26c, 2:26d and 2:26f of the Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht – Wft). The register must show what activities a financial institution may perform and from what date. In addition, the register must contain information about any restrictions which may have been imposed on these activities and must also show in which country the financial institution has its registered office. The register includes all licensed financial institutions.

A financial institution may hold more than one licence. The register lists the activities or range of activities an institution is allowed to perform. A bank for instance, may have a licence for offering banking products as well insurance products.

In addition, the register also shows which financial institutions have been granted dispensation from certain provisions of the Wft.

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