Adoption of the 2024 amendments to the Policy Rules for the Deposit Guarantee Scheme

News item Dutch Deposit Guarantee

On 30 September 2024, DNB published the amendments to the two policy rules for the deposit guarantee scheme (DGS). These amendments were publicly consulted in June 2024.

Published: 30 September 2024

Man en vrouw in gesprek over verzekeraars die beleggen steeds minder in obligaties.

The DGS Policy Rules contribute to a DGS repayment period of seven working days and consist of the Single Customer View Policy Rule (SCV Policy Rule), the Policy Rule Scope and Execution of the DGS and the reporting framework based on the Regulation on Statements of Financial Undertakings under the Financial Supervision Act 2011 (Statements Regulation). The latter was not amended during this amendment round.

Amendments 2024

The DGS Policy Rules are periodically improved and supplemented. The current changes mainly result from the amendments to the Decree on Special Prudential Measures, Investor Compensation and Deposit Guarantee Wft (Bbpm) as of 1 September 2024.

The changes to the DGS Policy Rules concern (i) the alignment with the independent protection of non-natural persons without legal personality, (ii) the alignment with the extension of the term and the situations in which there is an additional higher protection and (iii) the clarification of the information obligation of banks to DNB when there are changes, amendments and incidents that could have an impact on the SCV system of banks.


The changes to the SCV Policy Rule and the Policy Rule Scope and Execution DGS were published in the Government Gazette on 30 September 2024.

In addition, DNB has published a number of documents for the sector on the page Single Customer View DGS. The adoption document provides insight into the results of the public consultation. DNB has also published new versions of the DGS Data Delivery Manual and the Data Delivery Agreement (GLO) that are in line with the changes to the Policy Rules.

You will find here (in Dutch) the adoption document with a response to the consultation reactions.

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