Sustainability in the Dutch financial sector

Sustainability statistics show the impact of climate change on the financial sector and information on the financing of the transition to a more sustainable economy.

Illustratie bij dashbaord over duurzaamheid financiële sector.

The Sustainable investments dashboard presents statistics that provide insight into the issuance and holdings of debt securities with 'green' or other sustainability characteristics. The Climate risks for the financial sector dashboard shows two types of risks that financial institutions are exposed to through their investments in non-financial corporations:

  • Physical risks, such as water stress and coastal flooding.
  • Transition risks due to investments in companies with a relatively high carbon footprint.

The sustainability indicators in this dashboard were developed with the European Central Bank (ECB) and other euro area central banks. We published the sustainability statistics in 2023 for the first time. The quality of physical risk and carbon indicators is not yet comparable to regular statistics published by DNB and the ECB. To make this clear, we have assigned the ‘analytical’ quality label to these statistics . Over the next few years, we will be working hard to raise the quality to the level of regular statistics.

Topics sustainability