
Supervision consultation

The iPanel provides strategic advice to the iForum. The iPanel members discuss market trends and developments in the areas where technological innovation and supervision meet. On the basis of these discussions at strategic level the iPanel issues an opinion, for instance on the prioritisation of new initiatives, or on whether the course of existing initiatives needs adjusting.

Published: 26 November 2020

DNB and the iPanel

The iPanel does not advise on the supervision of individual institutions, on DNB's supervision activities or on DNB's supervisory approach. This is because some of the iPanel members are directly supervised by DNB or represent such institutions. However, we may discuss proposed adjustments to the supervisory methodology with the iPanel in order to obtain its input.


The iPanel members represent the financial supervisory authorities DNB and AFM, the Ministry of Finance and various branches within the financial sector, such as banks, insurers, pension institutions and payment service providers. The Ministry of Finance has an observer role in the iPanel.


The members of the iPanel work at senior management level in their own organisation and are responsible for innovation or digitalisation. They are opinion-formers in the field of innovation in the financial sector. The iPanel advises the iForum on behalf of the financial sector, which means the members must give their opinion on behalf of the entire financial sector and not just on behalf of their own organisation. The iPanel comprises the following members:

You can swipe the table to see more columns.

Hanzo van Beusekom
Joost Smits 
Irma Dollen
Richard Weurding 
Edith Maat  
Eelco Dubbeling
Maurice Jongmans
Ton van der Linden  
Mathieu Willems  
Mladen Sancanin  
Else Bos
Patrick de Neef
Lars van de Ven

Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Finance
Dutch Association of Insurers (VvV)
Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds
Dutch Banking Association (NVB)
Dutch Payments Association

iPanel meetings

The iPanel meets on a quarterly basis. DNB prepares and coordinates the meetings, and calls on the sector to submit suggestions. DNB prepares the minutes and publishes the iPanel's advice on the iPlatform. Read more about the iPlatform in the Charter.

Meeting of 16 April 2020

The first meeting of the iPanel focused on sharing experiences and expectations. The members discussed the overarching themes of the iForum, the status of the ongoing initiatives in Q2 2020 and the proposed initiatives for Q3 2020. They agreed to work out the following initiatives: Machine-readable/executable laws and regulations, Working together to improve the quality of reports, Process mining and Responsible use of AI. See the Initiatives page for more information.