Most frequently asked questions about the iForum


Published: 26 November 2020

What is the iForum exactly?

DNB's iForum aims to stimulate technological innovation within the financial system. It is designed as a platform for joint initiatives that create value for both supervised institutions and DNB. We are looking to create this value through an ongoing dialogue on the impact of technological innovations on the sector, and by developing joint pilots and experiments in the areas where technology and supervision meet.

The iPanel advises the iForum at a strategic level. The iPanel currently consists of 13 members. They represent the financial sector and work at senior management level in their own organisation.

What does the iForum do?

The purpose of the iForum is to facilitate close cooperation between the financial sector and DNB in the field of technological innovation. The initiatives set up by the iForum must be in line with DNB's and the AFM's statutory tasks. This includes initiatives related to DNB's supervisory activities, such as an experiment involving real-time supervision. However, the iForum does not exercise any supervision itself.

Who funds the iForum?

DNB coordinates and organises the iForum. The other participating organisations do not have to pay any contribution. However, since the initiatives within the iForum focus on cooperation between DNB and the financial sector, the participating organisations may need to make available funds and staff.

Does the Panel also advise on DNB's supervisory approach?

No, the iPanel does not advise on how DNB carries out its supervision. Conversely, DNB may submit certain changes to its supervisory approach to the iPanel for consultation.

Does the iPanel also discuss individual supervisory cases?

No, the iPanel never discusses individual supervisory cases, because some of the participating organisations are themselves under DNB's supervision.

How can organisations join the iPanel?

DNB invites new members to the iPanel after consulting the participating sector associations.

Are other supervisory authorities involved in the iForum?

Other supervisory authorities, such as the Dutch Data Protection Authority(DPA), the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) and the European Central Bank (ECB), do not participate in the iForum. Where an initiative of the iForum touches the activities of another supervisory authority, we involve that supervisory authority.

Does the iForum replace other forms of consultation?

No, in the iForum we discuss the impact of technological developments on the financial sector and DNB's supervision. We discuss other issues with the sector in other consultation structures.

What is the link between the iForum and other innovation initiatives?

DNB and the AFM have set up two other initiatives: the InnovationHub and the Regulatory Sandbox. In doing so, we want to create room for innovation in the financial sector . The important difference with the iForum is that in the InnovationHub and the Regulatory Sandbox, we communicate with individual institutions on a confidential basis. In the iForum, on the other hand, we focus on consultations and joint experiments with the sector as a whole.

The iForum complements the InnovationHub and the Regulatory Sandbox, which will both continue to exist. Of course, the iForum may discuss experiences gained in the InnovationHub and the Regulatory Sandbox in broad terms, and conversely, experiments conducted in the iForum could be used in the Regulatory Sandbox.