Found coins: reporting and cleaning

If you find a coin, you can report it to De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). We will ensure your find is correctly described and entered into the NUMIS database. This will ensure that general information about your find is available for future research. It is also important that you carefully clean the coin.  We will explain how you can do this.

Report your find

Have you found a coin or other numismatic item? Then please let us know by using our notification form. Please fill in the form as completely as possible, and include photographs of both sides of the find against a white background. To ensure the photos of the object you have found are clear, you may have to clean it first. The best way to do this is explained below.

Report your find

Clean your find

Clean your find carefully by washing it with soap and a soft toothbrush. Rinse it preferably with distilled water. Is the item still not sufficiently clean after you have done this? Then you can place the coin or medal in a solvent bath. You can use a solvent such as alcohol, acetone, benzene or white spirit, which are available at drugstores, pharmacies and hardware stores. Is the object still dirty? Then we have listed several different ways to clean it.

List of ways to clean your object (Dutch)

Download List of ways to clean your object (Dutch)