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Policy rule on relaxation of the IRB experience requirement

Policy rule

The Policy Rule on Relaxation of the IRB Experience Requirement constitutes an elaboration of section VI(1) and (2) of the Decree on the Implementation of the Basel II Capital Accord (Besluit implementatie kapitaalakkoord Bazel 2) regarding the manner in which De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) exercises the powers conferred upon it in said Article.

Published: 01 January 2007

Under section VI of the Decree on the Implementation of the Basel II Capital Accord, DNB may reduce the requisite period of experience of the IRB approach from three years to one year (simple IRB) or two years (advanced IRB). The Policy Rule on Relaxation of the IRB Experience Requirement sets out the aspects that are taken into account by DNB in assessing an application for relaxation of the rule.

The Policy Rule serves to implement the Basel II Capital Accord (the recast Banking Directive (2006/48/EC) and the recast Capital Adequacy Directive (2006/49/EC)).

Basis for the regulation

Section VI(1) and (2) of the Decree on the Implementation of the Basel II Capital Accord (Besluit implementatie kapitaalakkoord Bazel 2)

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